10 years ago, I started this blog. My first post was the first weekend I had been diagnosed with cancer. I knew I had a lot of people in different states who were starting to hear about my diagnosis and wanted to know what was going on. Many were afraid to ask, some were asking too much. Others were curious and some even a little nosey. But, 10 years ago, a blog seemed like a good way to get my words out; a cathartic way to share the information people were so interested in knowing but too afraid to ask.

And, in true Keisha form, I got a little wordy at times, shared too many details, kept after it like a project with a looming deadline, and just plain shared my feelings and deepest, darkest thoughts at they would come.
Yesterday I saw my oncologist for an annual check up that I drive to Little Rock for. It always seems that the emotions, thoughts, fears and concerns flood my mind on that morning. The 2 previous years as I’ve gone to a newly built cancer center with my new husband it has seemed like such a different process than the 7 before it. Last year I tried to blame my feelings on Mr. McKinney’s driving but I’m pretty sure it was nerves.
Today, I felt like revisiting some old posts. I thought about re-reading all of them and making lots of corrections to my old writings, and I did on some when the chemo brain just really left me with terrible words. But, for the most part they are left intact as they were originally written. I’ve met so many people who only know “after cancer Keisha” and I think its worth reminding you of that journey. Its always good to see where you started; to know your roots. Its good to be reminded of what you have overcome and how far you have come. Its good to remember and reminisce and remind yourself you are stronger, braver, bolder that you ever imagined and can do anything you set your mind to.
Many have said along the way, I just never could have done what you have done. And I will answer by saying…none of us would choose this path, but all who walk it realize you get up each day, put one foot in front of the other, and walk the road laid out before you. Here’s to the warriors who have walked this road with me. Here’s to the saints who have walked this road beside me. Here’s to the dreamers and fighters who walk this road so we don’t have to walk down it again. You are the real heroes in this fight.
- The Beginning : March 25
- March 26: Cancer
- March 27: the results
- March 28: biopsy
- April 1: 48 hours later
- April 8: Good News
- April 10: Hair Cut and Cutting for Chemo
- April 12: Chemo Day 1
- April 13: The Day After
- April 16: Wiggin Out
- April 19: Port Surgery
- April 23: Food Cravings – and another
- April 24: Hat Party my friends hosted
- April 26: Chemo Day 2
- April 26: My first Relay for Life as a SURVIVOR
- May 6: Good day/ Bad Day
- May 9: Chemo Day 3
- May 10: the day after chemo
- May 11: the day after that
- May 22: Hair update
- May 22: Chemo Day 4
In the middle of these posts, I had some busy social days. My friends came to visit and I flew last minute to the Division II College World Series. If anything, my friends showed up in a big way and supported me and carried me through what could have been a series of very bad days.
- June 7: Chemo Day 5
- June 10: What a Difference a Day Makes
- June 22: Chemo Day 6
- July 2: Tomorrow I get my radiation markings
- July 3: Marked Up
- July 9: Radiation 1
- July 13: Radiation Week 1
- July 17: Radiation Update
- July 23: Slush and Mush – my new diet
- July 28: 2 days left – and an update on mouth sores, etc
- July 30: radiation is over
- August 1: Random Thoughts and Emotions
- August 5: What’s Next
- August 8: That’s It – the day my doctor told me I was done
- September 22: Rollercoaster of emotions
- October 6: Pet Scan
- October 6: Remission
- October 8: In the end – with my doctor
- Jan 2, 2009: Chemohawk – little baby hairs growing back
- Jan 21, 2009: Scan Again
- April 16, 2009: 3 months out
- July 15, 2009: 1 year in Remission
- Sept 14, 2009: Port removal surgery and a picture
- April 19, 2010: 3 Miles celebrating life (as in 5K)
- Sept 15, 2010: Completely Clear
- April 5, 2013: 5 years ago
- April 14, 2013: 5 Years Clear
- April 7, 2014: 6 years Clear
- April 8, 2016: 8 years Clear
- May 30, 2017: Solutions and Celebrating
**From time to time, I get contacted about talking to someone about my journey. And, I tell you that’s the main reason I know I went through all that I did. But, I also know that some people just don’t want to talk and that’s ok too. When asked about it, I often encourage people to go to “the beginning”. My March 25 post is a great place to start and when you get to the bottom you can click on “previous post” to read the story backward or from the menu at the top, select Blog and the Cancer menu item that drops down. Or send them to this post. Sometimes it’s just easier to not be invasive and read the story instead of having to ask all the details. That’s why its there. Please share with others you know are newly stepping into this journey.**
I am a “post- cancer” friend and you are so inspiring, still. I love your positivity and your smile. I’m going back and reading these. 💚
Keisha… Though I’ve not walked in your shoes, I have friends who’ve survived cancer and others in the midst of the battle. For many, I’m aware of how you’ve played a role in encouraging them. Tis wonderful ha I gotta your journey in one place.