Oh my gosh, I just ate half a jar of Dill Pickle Spears. I bought them this weekend to go with sloppy joes that I haven’t made yet, but I really wanted to eat them. So, I had four. I made myself stop so I didn’t get sick, but really I think I could have eaten the whole jar. I know its weird, but that is why I wanted to share.

Ok, so I know this steroid is helpful. But, I cant go to sleep. I want to sleep and I need to sleep, but I cant I mean really.

So, I’m reading this book that is on loan from the Hodgkiss’. It is a journal story of Meg Brown, a girl who was a Basketball player at UT (that’s THE University of Texas for those of you around here who may be confused!) and found out, while her mom was going through treatment for Breast Cancer, that she had Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma. A much harder treatment process than I will have to face, but it is so interesting. I love how honest she is. I haven’t gotten to the part yet where I find out if she sat in her bed at night wanting to sleep and not being able to.

I’ll be super honest. I’m fighting the urge to go down stairs and get that jar of pickles and eat the rest. That would not be good, but I can just taste them.