So, I did it. I went today and got my hair cut. And, I dyed it, well, I didn’t the lady who cuts my hair did, back to my natural color. Now, I will be the first to admit that I wasn’t even sure what color that actually was. I was a blonde child and in high school, started highlighting my hair. My senior year of college my dad and I dyed it a brown color, but that lasted one semester. I’m a blonde. I know that opened the door for all the comments and jokes that could follow, but they are true, so it doesn’t matter. Tell me something I don’t know!

Anyway, I knew it would make the hair loss process easier if I went ahead and cut it off some so when it falls out it is not these big long strands. I will probably get it cut at least once more, but we will just see. I may not even loose it (that’s really to make you guys feel better…it’s gonna be gone). But, I will admit, just in case I did get it dyed so I wouldn’t have bad roots through this process. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Next week, the counselors in my office and I are going to go pick out a wig. I’m really excited. Who knows how much I will wear it, but it will be fun and I know they will make it fun for me. We do love to laugh! Today is probably the first day that I have really felt different. I wonder if it’s because I know to feel different or if a day like today would have come along and I would have started wondering if something was going on. Normally, I’m not used to being tired at 4 or before. I guess I will be normal now, wanting to leave work at normal hours and go home and sit in the bed. It’s a shame, I may never go back.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. I’m ready for Friday to get here and get started. So many unknowns. I had a vendor call today and try to set up a meeting for next week. I actually laughed. I’m sure you can imagine. I don’t really hide emotions very well. I felt like the grandmother of one of my friends who signed a 20 year mortgage at the age of 80. Yeah right. I told him what was going on and that we could set and appointment, but no promises that I would be there to listen…I didn’t really say it like that, but I wanted it. He was kind and he understood, but it was a reality check for this control freak who likes to plan. Every day determines the next so, sure, we can have a meeting next week!