Ok, so I have had a weird craving for spaghetti this week. I told my mom and she is going to make it while she is here. I so hope it still sounds good to me this weekend! But, here is how bad it is. I dreamed about Spaghetti on Sunday night. Who does that.

I dreamed I was at the mall and ran into the parents of a friend from college, only they weren’t his real life parents (not the people I met during college anyway), but his parents in my dream. I know kinda weird. We were in a mall food court. Like, the most amazing food court you can imagine, Any food option. However, none of them were real restaurants that any of us eat at, but every ethnicity was represented. I didn’t get spaghetti b/c I didn’t see it. But, when I sat down with this guys’ dad and sister they had two kinds and I freaked when I saw them. Thank goodness they were nice and said I could have them. I think I had some Chinese chicken something and that was gone. I left it in the dust when I saw the spaghetti. The spaghetti was in these metal dishes and I devoured it. (If you have ever eaten at Danson’s, it was wrapped up like their to-go orders used to be). I still can still see it sitting on that table.

So, if you are a psychologist, do not judge me. If you are a dream interpreter…I already know I’m weird. And, if you are a psychic…you need Jesus. But, really if you know what any of this means besides the fact that I’m a looney bird and want spaghetti in a inhuman way, please let me know. Or, if you just have some thoughts, leave them.

This cancer does crazy stuff to you (I’m just glad that I finally have something to blame it on!) 🙂