Well, the appointment went great today. I will have to give you the short version because I’m so tired. But, we found out today that I have Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkins Lymphoma. My understanding today is that it is the most common type and the most treatable. So, praise the Lord. That is amazing news. The doctor is very positive about where I am personally as far as not being sick or really having any of the symptoms that I should be having like loss of appetite, significant loss of weight (thanks for the reminder, doc!), night sweats, or fever. So, that is super positive. He is putting me at Stage 2A. Stage 2 because it affecting more than one lymph node and is down in my chest area. “A” because I am not experiencing all these symptoms and it means that for me it is not a super aggressive type at this point. So that is even better news.

As for treatment, I will have chemo every other week, starting this week. Normally, I will have treatments on Thursday, but this week, I will have it on Friday. There were some scheduling conflicts trying to get me in this first week. So, I will start this Friday morning.

I will be taking a chemo drug that will most likely make my hair fall out. (I will refrain from making any of the easy comments I could make here.) I knew this was a possibility, so I was not too shocked by that news. At least I wont have to dry my super thick hair every day if it does. You gotta find the positives in all this. So, I have set up an appointment to get my hair cut on Wednesday.

That’s really the short version. I am so worn out. So, that’s all for now. Sorry to disappoint if you were expecting me normal super long version. You will get it I promise. Today has been a good day. I was anxious to just hear what’s going on and was then so excited to hear what the doctor had to say. He is great by the way and I am excited that I am using him! More details to follow…