Well, I must say it ended quicker than it started. That first day and the first few moments were so slow. My time in the lab went too easy and I though this could be too good to be true.

I will be honest. I went in to this like a regular, routine appointment. It wasn’t that I felt this crazy overwhelming peace, I just didn’t feel anything. For me, that was peace. I just wasn’t worried. If it was not good news, then I knew what to expect and if it was the news we wanted, then that would be even better. There is an explanation of these feelings, but this is not the forum (at least not right now).

So, they called my name and we went back. And sat for a long time in the room. That’s always what happens. He came in and told us the good news. He is always kind enough to come in with a pleasant attitude, which helps so much. He said that as far as he was concerned, everything cancer related looked good (like it didn’t look, ’cause it wasn’t there). There wasn’t anything that the scan showed. So, that means REMISSION. No way, did he really just way that?

I know that is the word I have been waiting to hear, and you would think that I jumped up off the table, but everything just stopped. Really, I wasn’t sure what was going on or what happened after that moment.

He told me I didn’t have to come back until January (yeah, like 3 months from now). So, that’s it.

Yeah, that’s it.

Nothing here until January. I have to go every month and have my port cleaned out, but no treatments, no lab, no random appointments, no Neulasta shots, no super tired Saturdays, no wads of hair falling out, its over. That’s just crazy.

Yeah, I’m sure at some point it will hit me. I’m not sure when. It is coming though, I can feel it. Every time I talk to someone who I haven’t seen in a while and they ask how things are, I get to tell them. The word is beginning to spread and I get random emails. It’s nice.

Dr. Mendelsohn was so nice to play along and let me take a picture.
Ok, this should have been a new blog, but since it happened on this day, I thought I would include it here.
There is a tradition that they have at chemo. I witnessed it several times, but it is something you get to do once! (no surprise, I cried every time it happened…but it was different when it was my time. Maybe because there wasn’t anyone there.) Ringing the bell. You ring it on your last chemo. Well, when I had my last chemo, I wasn’t sure it would be the last, so you don’t really get a “false” ring, just in case. There was still a possibility that I might have more chemo, but this was something that was one of those “markers” to it being over. So, I’m glad I got to do it.
We took a Big Cookie by and no one was there. No really, there was only one nurse, Mrs. Linda. She was kind enough to humor us and let me ring the bell and take pictures. So, here is my moment, Enjoy.

We went to Mimi’s after our shopping spree (imagine that we are in LR for appointments and went on a shopping spree…I am going to miss that!) Dad’s birthday was on Monday, so we went to celebrate his birthday, but dad mentioned that we were celebrating something else as well and they were so sweet to bring out two celebration desserts….one for me and one for dad. That really was one of the most thoughtful things. And, it was probably the best combination of my favorite dessert parts together. Really, I’ve got to find out what that is! So, a good ending to a good day.