Today, my staff and I went to Little Rock to pick out a wig. There is an amazing program at St. Vincent’s Hospital Called New Outlook Women’s Cancer Center. They provide great support services for women going through cancer treatments. Again, an amazing service provided here. They provide the patients with a wig and several other special gifts like hats and scarves to have while you go through the hair loss process. The sweetest lady who is a volunteer was working today and I have no doubt she was unsure what had happened when we all walked in. It think she thought at first that we had all come to get a wig. And, if you know us very well, we kinda take over a room when we walk in. She took us all back into the “wig room” and let us just look at all the ones we wanted to. I tried on several, but Tara found one that she thought would be good and she was right! It was called “Sky”. They all had names..and then the names that we gave them. But, the one I ended up just looked like me as soon as I put it on. Its kinda crazy. I thought it might be like trying to buy the right color shirt. You find a couple that you like and either one would look good, but then you finally either go with one that is more fun or one that is more practical, but this one, when we put it on just looked like me. So, that’s the one I picked. Then I got to pick out sleep caps and different hats and a bandanna.

Oh, by the way, I have my port put in tomorrow at noon and start pre-op at 10.
Enjoy the pictures of our day:

(Me doing paperwork the new story of my life.)
(Tara and Avery)
(It’s amazing what happens when the adults walk out of the room)
(Moon Pie and his lady…)
(Blondie…or Tinkerbell)
(Bangalang..we almost had decided on this when I tried on the one I got)
(for all the red heads who were hoping that’s what I would do, here’s why not.
Every red head wig had a crazy Nasville haircut. Sorry, we tried) (And this is why I stick to lighter tones)
(Sweet Little Devil…yes, that really was an option)
(To the races)
(Gardening with the Moon Pies) (Group Shot…Justin, Kody, Keisha, Ashley, Mary Lynn, Tara, and Avery…
my office staff minus Preggers-Ashlee..she got sick and we missed her)(The sweet volunteer who helped us)
(All the styrofoam head waiting for a new home)
Those were great photos, but I have to say I am so excited that someone else in this world actually describes some hair styles as “Nashville.” I hope everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow 🙂
On Behalf of Keisha’s extended family I want to send a Thank You to all of Keisha’s Friends. Keisha is some distance from us and this makes it difficult for us to give her the support we would like to. I can see through her e-mail and blog postings that she is not alone and is well supported. You don’t get to pick your family but a Friend is someone that you choose, this makes all of you special.
Thank You to all that Keisha calls Friend!
– Cousin Brian
I love it.