Well, the weekend went great. Lauren got first runner up in the pageant. We were so proud of her. While we were being selfish in wanting her to win with our title…we were so excited about her final place. She also won a couple other awards and that was huge. We definitely got some huge free PR this weekend. One of the judges is a Ouachita grad and several of the people involved on stage mentioned our name a couple times. Besides the fact that we were by far the loudest group in the arena. So, yea for that. We’ll take some fun awards, some new memories, and a week of good food.

Speaking of, the moment of esophogitis (sp?) has kicked in. Over the weekend, my throat got really sore. Yesterday was probably the worst. I don’t really know how to describe the pain to you besides the worst sore throat you’ve had. I took a bite of a biscuit last night and about died. It wasn’t like it got caught and I was about to choke, it just hurt so bad. I could feel it stuck. I think I might have bruised my esophagus. This morning when I woke up my throat was pretty sore. Not too abnormal since it was really dry. But, it was bad. It hurts to swallow my saliva. I know that sounds weird, but it does. I bought yogurt last night to have for breakfast thinking that it would go down like ice cream and be good.
Boy, was I wrong. That’s when I realized that I think I might have bruised my throat. It hurt so bad. I made my way through it and like so many things, it got easier with each bite. I have sucked on Halls drops all day, and that seems to keep things pretty manageable.

I did mention it to my doctor today and he gave me a prescription for XYLOLINE. Its a compound that the pharmacist makes. It comes in a huge bottle, but looks a lot like pediatric liquid medications. It doesn’t taste bad, which is nice. It has Lidocane and Benadryl and something else in it that numbs my throat and makes eating easier.

I did loose 5 pounds this past week and that is not good. I think it’s good, but the doctor does not want me loosing any weight. Part of the radiation treatment is based on my weight and significant changes in it can affect the treatment.
You know, today is really the first time I’ve changed what I eat. I think the thing that has made the difference is I’m only drinking water (except for the occasional sweet tea…I can still do that!) and all of the foods I’m eating are soft. So, I guess I need to make some mashed potatoes with heavy cream and lots of full fat cheese. Who knew!
Today started our NABEP (National Association of Baptist Enrollment Professionals) conference. 100 of our friends showed up today from schools all over the South for a three day conference that my staff is hosting with OKBU. We are excited about a few days of networking, professional development and the royal star treatment. It’s been a long day and I’m headed to the house. Thanks so much for your prayers. They mean so much to me and I an grateful for everyone of them. I am inspired by your faithfulness.
My love and a couple pics from the weekend.