So, week one is over. Only 15 more radiation sessions (I hope). Everything went well. I can say right now the only real thing I’m feeling is tired. It has been hard to give into that. I’ve not had any of the normal symptoms through this whole things, so I wasn’t sure if I would with this or not.

But, I am tired at the end of the day. A friend who has been through this said it is like being hit with an atomic bomb, everyday and while it is not as explosive, you do feel like you have been hit by a Mack truck. It’s amazing that something like that, that doesn’t take more than 3-4 minutes can take so much out of you. But, it is nothing like the tired I felt during chemo.

REST is my new medicine and I’m not very good at that.

I clocked out miles this week, but didn’t look at it before I came inside, so I will have to update you on that later. But, we did have a fun week. I’m so glad mom and Res were here. I know I always talk about how much they come and mess up and then have to repair, but when I came home on Thursday night from work, they had proven otherwise. The do know how to clean up!!! They had cleaned and put away everything. I think the vacuum cleaner and Lysol wipes came out! I reminded them that we can do that everyday…it didnt go over well. (please do not confuse them for slobs…here’s the deal…when you are a person who lives in an apartment for one…it is hard to add more people to the mix)

We also proved this week that I am awful, can I say AWFUL (we talked this morning in Sunday School about what 70×7 means….you could insert AWFUL an infinite number of times here and it would still not be enough!) at Disney Scene It. I have some great friends, including my sister and mother who are not shy to remind me of this. But, here’s my theory. I have a limited amount of space upstairs (and by that, I mean in my brain). So, I have to be selective about what I keep there, so knowing the name of every character of every Disney movie, or exactly what kind of creature they were, or exactly what they were or were not wearing, or who was their original voice, or what year it was written in and then digitally reformatted, or what song played after a certain word was spoken, is not something that I have time to store away. I honestly cannot remember being a kid who was “addicted” or super interested in Disney movies. Yes, I’m a fan and I know they are safe, but really….So, all things considered, I am not the person you want on your team for a trivia game. There are just so many things that I can be good at…We could write a paragraph about those as well.

So, week one is over. And another one is in front of us. We’ll see what happens next.