Clearly, I love to make a celebration of everything. My birthday is near Easter so it was the time growing up that we celebrated with my extended family. And, since I was born on my uncle’s birthday it was always a big deal. Actually, most of my pictures were next to a big blow-up bunny in those little years. They would put me on the dining table next to the bunny and take my picture each year. In the background, you see plastic eggs, plastic grass, and probably some chocolate sprinkled here and there (or in my mouth!). My mom, aunt, and grandmother always made sure we had a fun Easter basket full of goodies.
While I don’t really know the history of the tradition of the Easter basket, I do know that they were something we always had at our house and I can’t wait until my little man is big enough to start these traditions with him.
So, what makes good items to put in an Easter basket?
- Books or devotional
- Toys – small things that are great for their stage or what they are always begging for when you are in the store
- learning activities – this is different at every stage, but things like puzzles, handwriting books, math cubes, or flash cards
- Socks, flip flops, summer shoes, or rain boots
- Hair bows or barrettes – other accessories
- Clutch or small purse
- A gift card to eat out or ice cream
- Sports drink or favorite soda –powdered drink mixes or liquid stir-ins
- Bubbles, stickers
- Crayons, activity book, markers, craft supplies
- Bubble bath
- Bath toys or bathtub finger paint
- Balls or summer games
- backyard toys or beach toys
- Travel games or activities
- Travel or toiletry size items
- Gum, candy, snacks
- Reese’s eggs…the original!
When it comes to kids’ baskets, think about what is coming up in your life or those little things your kids are always begging for when they are in the store with you. Other items to include if you are packing for grown-ups…these items were on our lists this year:
- baby sunscreen for summer or bottle cleaner – actually any little baby gadgets or supplies we use every day
- essential oils
- graphic t-shirts – Target had a $5 sale on v-neck and crew necks last week. And, Walmart has a new line called Time and Tru
- their favorite candy – at our house that means “all red” Starburst jelly beans, Dove chocolate, and Reese’s eggs (notice a theme?!?!)
- picture frame
- office supplies
- travel toiletries
- items for an upcoming trip
- supplies or cooking tools
- a makeup bag or wet bag for summer
- sunglasses
- Amazon or iTunes gift card
- treat money that is special for coffee, tea, ice cream, or a Crumbl cookie!
What about you? Was there anything growing up that was always in your Easter basket? For us, it was the Eggums – the little carton of egg-shaped bubble gums. And of course Reese’s eggs…still as grown-ups, we get both of these in our “Easter basket”.
If you are looking for a fun Easter craft to do with your littles, let me suggest this printable from K Cutie Design. It’s a really low price and you get all the digital files to use for your craft creation. We did them this year and mailed little Hoppy Easter cards to our family and friends with little man’s footprint made into a bunny. They were super fun!
Other Easter Resources you might enjoy:
- Holy Week Crafts and Activities for Preschoolers
- Easter Cards and Crafts with Toddlers – another fun activity that is not necessarily Biblically based
- Easter Basket ideas for kids and adults that include more than candy
- Easter Basket Ideas for Preschoolers – work great for stocking stuffers, too!
- Easter Resources – Lessons and Learning for the Lenten season
- Candy Bar Cake would be a great treat for an Easter Menu, just use Peeps, creme eggs, or other seasonal candies and sprinkles to make it festive
- What’s in my Basket: Easter Lesson for Teens – this lesson is great for Sunday School, small groups, classroom, or a gathering before a family meal.
- DIY Tie-Dye Towels are a great Easter Basket filler and a fun activity when cousins are together.
- Little Hammies – ham slider sandwiches that are great with leftover Easter Ham
- Egg Beaters Breakfast Casserole – maybe Easter Brunch is more your thing – this casserole makes it so easy that you can use something else to take up all your time – like an egg hunt!
- Pineapple Casserole – this is a great side dish for your Easter lunch or brunch spread.
- Springtime Cold and Fruity Salads – my grandmother’s recipes that we love in spring and summer
- Bunny Cake – an easy old family tradition that is fun year after
- Activities to do while you are stuck at home