Gahhhhh. Stockings are my favorite. Actually, in my family, we have canned our gift exchange except for the little kids. And instead, we just get stockings for each other. 

But our stocking insides may not be traditional. Are there traditional stocking gifts? I guess I have in my head that most people get gloves, chapstick, underwear, candy and a gift card. Maybe I’m wrong. But, stocking was always a big deal growing up. 

We would get a stocking from Santa, but my Aunt would make us all a stocking and my mom would do one for their family members. I remember my Papa knew that was important to them and the years after my grandmother passed, he put an apple, orange, and a few pecans in a brown lunch sack. I’m pretty sure that’s what stockings looked like when he was a boy and that’s all he knew, but I love that he still prepared something. That thought just makes my heart smile. 

What about you? What are your stocking traditions? Do you have special things you always include or look forward to getting? 

Advent: Stocking Stuffers | These are my favorite things about Christmas. Not that I don't like the other things, I just love collecting items for stockings all year long and how fun and creative it can be to hide little treasures and tell their story on Christmas morning.

This year dry shampoo, sparkling water drinks, mac and cheese, pop ice, highlighters, homemade hatch green chile sauce, cinch bags, and flashcards are a few of the things going in stockings I’m giving. I almost always include a shaker of Fiesta brand “Uncle Chris Steak Seasoning”. Just because I think it fits us and is funny. 

For 2019, we are focusing on Slow Cooker Apple and Pear Butter, Soy Wax Insect Repellent and Smokey Pitts seasoning mixes (Steer Clear and Butt Sugar, why not!).

But I collect little random things all year long and it’s fun on Christmas morning to tell the story behind all the items. Actually that’s my favorite thing about giving gifts in general. I love the story!! 

Oh, and if you need a set of stockings, check out these that I have for sale in my Etsy shop – K Cutie Designs. While you are there, check out the Advent Calendars too!