I love Christmas cards. This was one of the things I looked forward to most about being married, sending photo Christmas cards. When I was single, I wrote out Christmas cards most years, but since we’ve been married, I’ve looked forward to making our card each year.

I totally get sucked in early with the Shutterfly sales and build a framework to add to right before their big Black Friday sale. This year, we had pictures made with our McKinney family so I was able to get them ready early.

In the month of December, I look forward to opening mail each day and seeing what new cards came our way. I love seeing the families of old friends change from year to year. I love when people include a newsletter and tell us the stories of their year and give us an update on what their year has held.

I just love Christmas cards and real snail mail!!

Here’s our card this year!!

Merry Christmas from the McKinney's 2018 - Christmas Cards are my favorite Christmas tradition. Follow along this Advent season and write along with us.

What about you? Do you send Christmas Cards? Do you have a special way you display them? And is that kid up front not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?

Oh, and if you are just jumping in, join us each day until Christmas for our Advent Writing Topics or post a picture each day on social and tag #bigpittstopADVENT.

Advent: CARDS | Sharing thoughts and traditions surrounding Christmas Cards. Write along with us through the month and our daily Advent writing topics. #bigpittstopADVENT