Yep, you probably already have the lyrics to Amy Grant’s Grown Up Christmas List playing in your head. You can thank me later. I just got back from the dentist and my hygienist and I were talking about how different things are when you are a grown-up. Your needs and wants are different and your way to get to the changes.

This year, my Grown Up Christmas List might include some menial things like a kid who actually sleeps in his own bed all the way through the night. Or a day off of being “the mom.” A chance to catch up on sleep or have no agenda or expectations. Can you tell Little Man has turned in to a little tornado and sleep regression has arrived?

Advent: Grown Up Christmas List | As we get older what we want for Christmas changes. Acceptance, Understanding, deleting drug problem, social media positivity and encouragement are on the top of my list. Let's make 2019 the year of love, kindness, and listening. #bigpittstopADVENT

But, I think the real list for me is much broader:

  • drugs to go away – its an epidemic. And, last week I watched the effects of drug addiction right before my eyes. I watched it unravel in the presence of some elementary and middle school kids. And, while it was distracting, they weren’t overwhelmed by it. It scares me to raise a kid in a town with those kinds of issues. But, it scares me even more that these kids are not unaware of the problem of drugs. SCARES me. It is a big nasty issue and we need to pray for our kids out of it. 
  • an open mind towards progress – I realize this is one of those “left up to interpretation” because we all define progress differently. I’m not really into political posts and this is not making that turn. But, I have been working on a project in my community to make it better and my mind is blown at the number of people that are ok with stale and complacency. I just think that smells of rotten and foul. A couple of months ago we went away for a weekend and left water sitting in a bowl in the sink. It had been there to soak out a dish and we left it when we left town. When we got back on Sunday evening, there was a foul stench when we opened the door. It was murky, odor-ridden, stagnant water. I want to be part of making a place better and I’m so over the “we’ve never done it like that,” “that will never work we’ve already tried it,” and “we like it easy like it is.” Good things come at a cost. Time, effort, energy. They are all sacrifices, but let’s open our minds in 2019 to better.
  • acceptance and understanding – I’m not saying tolerance because I do think there is right and wrong, good and bad. But, it’s almost 2019 for Pete’s sake (whoever he is). Let lean in and ask questions. Different is not bad. It adds flavor and variety.
  • less hate and hatefulness – let’s let 2019 be the year we pull out the virtual duct tape and close our mouths or bind our hands. If it is not edifying or helpful, keep it to yourself. And, by all means, if it is hurtful or hateful, eat it. I promise it won’t taste good going down, but its better than wreaking havoc on the outside. Nobody has time for that.
  • less stuff – I love the gift of experiences and love to spend time and be with my people. As we have added a new human to our house, I’ve realized more and more how much stuff we have. Yes, we can say no and determine a lot of that. But, I still find myself on those possibilities hoarder treadmill running and keeping up with the maybes, somedays, and what-ifs. I want this to be the year we cut out some clutter and do a little simplifying. And by us, I mean we. I’ve got to self manage in a better way!

2019 could be a better year – let’s listen when people talk and HEAR what they are saying. Let’s slow down and do thoughtful, meaningful work. Let’s collectively decide “no” is not a bad word when used to build healthy boundaries and step back. Let’s take better care of ourselves and those around us. Let’s add good things to the world and do more to eliminate the bad stuff.Â