I have had a hard time with the question, “it’s Christmas when…” It seems that there are so many things going on this time of year that I am not really sure which one is the most important to make it feel like Christmas. (and sometimes I wonder if any of them are important to make it feel like Christmas)
But in my drive home today I realized. It is Christmas (for me) when all of the gifts are bought, all of the gifts are wrapped, all of the Christmas parties are over and I have heard the song Sleigh Ride. Ok, maybe that last one is silly, but its the truth.
In college, the Christmas chapel (fast forward to 25:11 for the start) was always one of my favorite days each year. And it’s because they closed with Sleigh Ride. I live the slap of the reigns. And the horse “neigh”. What’s really funny to me is that four of those years my now-husband was part of that concert each year and I didn’t even know him.

But I think there are so many things to do at Christmas time that it’s hard to get in the mood for Christmas. But for me when all the gifts have been bought and errands run. All the gifts wrapped and I can put my feet up, turn on the Christmas tree, light a candle, watch a Christmas special and put my feet up (wait, did I already say that?). I usually try to have everything done as early as possible so there are as many of these days as possible.
I just want to soak it all in. Slow down. Remind
I think I’m learning more and more that this will be super important for us in the years to come. Little Man doesn’t get much this year, but I know he will get more and more each year. I want to make real traditions for him. Meaningful moments, that teach him more about the baby Jesus in the manger and why we celebrate all we do. I was listening to a podcast yesterday of two mamas sharing very intentional things they do with their daughters to bring meaning to this time of year. I’ll leave you will the challenge to go listen to that.
What about you? When it is officially Christmas for you? Do you have a trigger moment or something that always sets up the season?
Oh, and one more thing. Does anyone know what instrument makes that “neigh” sound at the end of the song?
- December 1 – What is Advent
- December 2 – Nativity
- December 3 – Lights
- December 4 – Fruitcake
- December 5 – Ornaments
- December 6 – Cards
- December 7 – Smell
- December 8 – Office Party
- December 9 – Gift Exchange
- December 10 – Family Pictures
- December 11 – Stocking Stuffers
- December 12 – Party Food
- December 13 – Favorite Tradition
- December 14 – It’s Christmas when…
- December 15 – Christmas Wear
- December 16 – Christmas Cookie
- December 17 – Christmas Carol/Music
- December 18 – Christmas Charity
- December 19 – Community Traditions
- December 20 – Bah-Humbug
- December 21 – Grown-up Christmas List
- December 22 – Elf on the Shelf
- December 23 – Nostalgia
- December 24 – Christmas Eve
- December 25 – Christmas Day – How will you spend the big day – where will you be? Who will you be with? What’s on your mind?
- December 26 – Dreams for the Year Ahead