I’ll admit after catching up on my Google reader last night, I started feeling bad about not having a New Year’s post up.  Monday I was too busy trying to keep my jello brain awake so I could last for the gathering with my friends.  Then, Tuesday I spent the day driving back from Texas.  So there, I have some good excuses!

I’ve noticed this year that everyone is going for a “word”.  Not sure what that derived from, but I like it. I’ve been working on what mine should be.  I like the process of making goals and dreams for the year.  However, I’m not one for setting a “resolution”.  It seems so definative.  And, I’ve learned over the last decade that you can’t really expect what will happen during the year.  You  may change a job, receive devastating news. meet a new friend or pick up an old hobby.  Any one of those would send my strangely-control-freaked nature into a tail spin on its own (and has). 

So, instead I like to have a “focus”.  I think this year that will be “to purge”.  I know that sounds weird, but I’ve discovered that I’m holding on to a lot of things that I need to get rid of….literally and figuratively. 

So, I’m planning some major cleaning out and a big pick up from Big Brother/Big Sister.  But, I think i’ve got to reign in some of my ideas too.  I have a lot of supplies for different projects and when you downsize you realize that you can just get that stuff at the Dollar store.  And i know that may not be the most fiscally responsible, but holding on to stuff is just making for a mess.

And, I’ve realized in my holding on to actual items, I’m holding on to some fantasy or hope of something not there.  Not sure what that is or how I could really define that, but I just feel like when there are things around you all the time your mind stays busy tyring to keep up and instead of focusing on you and fixing you and making you better, you just stay busy.  Sounds like RELAX should be a word too!

What about you?  What are you focusing on this year?

I heard that Robin Roberts was pushing for “Serene in 2013”.  I kinda like that, too!
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord , the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26: 3-4
