This post about Puppy Love originally appeared on Arkansas Women Bloggers. I wrote the content as a contributor to their site at the time.

Yall, I’m in LOVE (insert deep sigh…..).

What a year 2016 was for me.  I know I gave you a full list on my blog of all the things that had me mesmerized in 2016, but I just didn’t disclose everything….I mean, how do you put it in to words?

I love Starbucks mobile ordering and pickup.

I love chips and salsa.

I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

I love getting fresh ingredients and new recipes delivered to my front door.

Oh, how I love my new baby niece (like heart multiplied as I became an aunt kind of love).

I know the last couple weeks have been all about the gushy, mushy kind of love.  And, I know what you are thinking, “Keisha, you are a newlywed. Gag, we get it already. ”

But friend, you are wrong.  I’m talking about that fresh every morning, new every day, “love you no matter what” kind of love…

Puppy Love - its just about the sweetest thing. Dogs love their masters and they share unconditional love that makes everything ok.

Becoming a wife made me a #dogmom. 

I knew Mr. McKinney’s dog. I had been around her while we were dating and even took care of her some weeks when he moved away. But she was the first one who stole his heart so I wasn’t sure where I’d fit in. Let me just say, we are both smitten.

She was found in a ditch by a friend of Mr. McKinney’s roommate and spent the first 2.5 years of her life being the only “female” in a house with dudes. To say she lived/s on a pedestal would be an understatement. I mean when my main squeeze gets home every day, she practically climbs up his body and they have “a moment” together.  She loves him.  But, really, she just loves. 

Puppy Love - its just about the sweetest thing. Dogs love their masters and they share unconditional love that makes everything ok.

Since I work from home these days, she and I have bonded.  She stays and snuggles with me in the mornings after Mr. McKinney leaves for work. We have a morning routine that involves coffee for me and Rachel Ray’s Dish delights for her (I already told you she’s on a pedestal…this part just involves chicken and vegetables).  At different points throughout the day I’m reminded when Gizmo the neighbor’s cat saunters down the street, Tucky the neighbor lab who grew up and won’t fit under the fence any more can’t come to visit, and anyone comes to make a delivery.  A plethora of animals from stuffed chickens or hedgehogs, crinkly flat blue elephants, or fuzzy “rad bones” make a visit to my lap for an afternoon toss in an expected order.  Sometime after 4, I start getting the “quit working mom” face.  She can only lay on her Serta dog mat by my desk for so long.

And, in case you’re wondering…no, she doesn’t know she is a dog. She sleeps under the covers at night and on Mr. McKinney’s pillow in the morning. If you get up and leave your spot on the couch, she will quickly take it over. Her furry snout and sweet whiskers always make their way between your knees while you dine on breakfast, lunch, or dinner (she is not really picky).  A knife with peanut butter on it will never stand a chance and if you pray over your dinner while seated at the coffee table, you better keep one eye open.

Puppies.  They just steal our hearts.

My Bailey Girl loves deep. She is sensitive. She anticipates routine and is curious by change. She knows the smell of a good dinner and can hear the sound of the refrigerator door opening even if she is in the furthest corner of the back yard. Daylight Savings Time messes her up…the dark, early evenings make her want to eat dinner an hour earlier and have her sitting in the front window waiting for her master. She forgives fast and loves you best by her presence and touch. She knows mama doesn’t like the licks in the face and has to be reminded when enough kisses have been shared. She knows her name and basically 157 words (they say dogs can memorize up to 150 words…but I promise she is advanced).

She cowers when you discover that while you left her alone, she “accidentally” got in to the treats. She curls up on the couch in “her spot” around 8 and yes, somehow all the pillows find their way to that end of the couch. 

Puppy Love - its just about the sweetest thing. Dogs love their masters and they share unconditional love that makes everything ok.
2019 update – this same girl loves my boy more than any of us expected and she is tolerating him being a Toddler….they share toys!

She doesn’t ask for much and gives with everything she has. She is not very good at catch, but will fetch all day long. She is a little quirky when it comes to lights and can be completely thrown off by a flashlight. If it’s soft and squishy, she is going to lay on it and still doesn’t understand that the world does not revolve around her.  Because well, around here….its kinda does.

She is our baby girl. Papaw said it best, “Bailey, the best thing for you is that you never discover you’re just a dog!”

Now, that’s love and I just can’t imagine how I wouldn’t love her forever.