Oh Jeanetta.  I’m just learning this friend, which is why I invited her to be part of this series.  I love her crocheted creations, her beautiful curls and the fact that she keeps it simple and just writes about life.  And, to make her even better, she went to Ouachita.  I’m even afraid we were there at the same time and didn’t even know each other.

She and I can figure that one out, but I give you my becoming friend…Jeanetta.  For Pete’s sake (whoever he is), she quoted Noam Chomsky, we will be friends quick!!

  • What have you OVERCOME? “Myself”
  • What was your turning point? I wouldn’t say I’m at a full 180 but I’m heading there.  Not that I am completely changing me but I’m changing how I see myself and what I have to offer.  I only really feel like I entered the work force about 6 years ago.  I had been wife and mother since leaving college and while that is admirable I really didn’t know what I was cut out to do once everyone was in school. I’m slowly seeing what I am truly good at and how I can use that to help others achieve their goals.  Recently, I made the biggest curve in my turn when I realized I was good at combining my art degree with website design.  And that theater degree comes in mighty handy with marketing.
  • 5 word life mantra – Whacha see, is whacha get. (I fudged a bit on making the word count work. LOL.  I always was one for just skirting the rules)
  • Quote you live by – “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”—Noam Chomsky.  
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