Pittman Christmas, hanging out with the fam.  What a great way to spend my first Saturday of 2010…this might be an ok year after all!

And, for the record after careful thought, I decided that 2009 wasnt so bad-

I started a new job. I paid off my car. I had my one year remission anniversary! I went to Italy and spent 10 amazing days with my sister (which only gave me the fever to want to travel more and she is a good traveling buddy, maybe I can talk her into saving up for something else). I went to Washington DC to see another great friend and well, be a nerd in the nation’s capitol for a day. I got settled in my new house. I cheered on my sister as she finished her first (and probably only) marathon and as she walked across the stage to get her Master’s. I was listed in the 20 to Watch, but I’m sure the watching is over…or at least hopefully the creepy kind any way! Several friends had babies and watching them grow is already so much fun! I discovered Eat This Not That and the amazingness that is Google Reader (which has transformed my life). I made my first two quilted items. My Papa turned 90!!! And, I learned some really good (and some disturbing) things about myself (I love self growth and discovery!). Probably most important, I spent a lot of great time with my family and learned how interesting it must be for my parents to have two 20-something single daughters. But, it could be worse, we could be hanging out with stinky, hairy-legged boys!

So, not so shabby for a year.  I’ll take it and move on!

Whether it’s:

  • 2010, we will win
  • 2010, gonna get thin
  • 2010, gonna read more
  • 2010, gonna spend less
  • 2010, gonna save more – pay off more
  • 2010, help more

Maybe this will be the year!

Oh, and ps, for those of you who actually visit my blog site, I’ll work on updating the playlist.  I’ve just realized how long these songs have been up here.
