Please accept these random thoughts from my “killing time” excursion:

  • does anyone else think it is weird that we can make any place with free wi-fi our office? No matter what city it is in or what time of day it is.
  • The man next to me is completing “reference” calls for an interview he recently conducted. The good news is the I think they are going to hire the guy!
  • I guess my putting these thoughts out on the “www” defeats his “just between you and me” comment he keeps making over the phone to his co-workers
  • I think everyone should have to be walked/talked through a series of cell phone etiquette “non-negotiables” before anyone can purchase a cell phone and then be updated with each upgrade..and one of those includes when and where it is appropriate to use a cell phone and how loud you can talk in public… (I know that I talk loud on a cell phone, so I try not to use it in restaurants and stores!)
  • This same man just finished eating his lunch which was a bread bowl with soup in it. He smacked and slurped it and when I looked over to just glance at the mess that was ensuing…and he had potato soup slathered across his face…I didnt stare, but I wanted to
  • Then, to top it off, he finished it with an out loud burp. There are a lot of things that I will let you get away with in public…but being a grown business man who should know better than to burp out loud while other people are around you is just not going to cut it. He is really lucky he didn’t get the “did you really just do that” look from my direction…I dont see a wedding ring, so I’m going to give him the benefit of not being trained better!
  • If you are anywhere near a Panera, you should check out some of the yummy sounding things they have on their menu…Cuban Chicken Panini, Black Bean Soup, BBQ Chopped Chicken Salad, and some salad that they just brought out to the lady next to me with all kinds of yummy looking things on it including chicken and dried apple rings!

Do you think there is a way I could make a job out of people watching and observing?