Met this gal when I moved to NWA.  We met as volunteer and staff partner and soon became friends.  Along the way I learned she was bravely chronicling her journey with trying to get pregnant.  It was brave.  She is brave.  She is a fighter.  She fights for life on a lot of fronts.  She was an amazing ACS volunteer and gave everything.  But, I also just love her company.  I love laughing with her in the wee hours of the foggy morning as dew sets in and she reads the name of community fighters.  Or the early Saturday morning as we watch the sunrise and 50+ runner take to the streets of Carroll Co.  Or, over BBQ as we celebrate Surviorship and life.

Over the last 3 weeks, I’ve been overjoyed to see pictures of baby Sawyer sneak into my news feed.  The sweet little miracle is here and I love seeing her mama smile brighten her face.

I introduce you to Ashley…aka Sawyer’s mama…

  • What have you OVERCOME? Resentment
  • What was your turning point? I was reading a blog post that was shared to Facebook about infertility, this was a few months after our failed IVF. The author of the blog was talking about every feeling and emotion I was having, she was asking herself the same questions I was: Why me? Why us? Why God do you choose to bless that person or couple with a child but not me? Then came her revelation that slapped me in the face, the one God wanted me to hear and see at that exact moment… in John chapter 21 Jesus is talking with Peter and he asks him 3 times if he loves him and 3 times Peter says yes, Jesus goes on to tell Peter of the kind of death He would die to glorify God and He says to Peter “Follow me!” When Peter turned and saw that the Disciple who Jesus loved (the one who asked Jesus at the last supper who would betray him) was following them he asked Jesus “Lord what about him?” And Jesus answers: “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” After I read this, and it wasn’t the first time I’m sure, but after I read this it all seems so clear to me, what’s it to me if he chooses to bless that family with a baby? It’s not my job to question Him… it is my job to follow Him and believe in his word and blessings and know that he has great things in store for us we just have to be faithful and pray, and we cannot question Him. The most amazing thing about this is you can insert anything there, whatever you’re struggling with, Follow Him.
  • 5 word life mantra – I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
  • Quote you live by – A bible quote Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares The Lord, plans to plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a


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