Since so many of you are finding this an encouragement, I wanted to let you know about a blog that I have found to be encouraging to me. If you click on the title of this entry, it will take you to the blog site for Audrey Caroline, the fourth daughter of the lead singer of Selah. At the concert the other night, he shared her story and the journey they have been on.

He and his wife knew before she was born that she would probably not survive more than 20 minutes. They were strong, followed the Lord and had friends (like so many of you) who were/are prayer warriors on their behalf. They got a little more than 2 hours with her that day and were able to see her open her eyes, cry and kick. What a blessing, but even more a testimony of faith and the Lord’s unconditional love and faithfulness. If you have some time, I hope you take the opportunity to read through their journey.

God is so good. After he shared this story, he followed it with the picturesque hymn It is Well With My Soul and then we sang together, Wonderful, Merciful Savior. I was reminded again this evening of what a restoring, healing God we serve.