Sevier County Arkansas is our home for now. Over the last year I’ve been able to serve as the Volunteer Tourism Chairperson under the Economic Development Director and we have learned so much. I thought it would be fun to share my Favorite things to do in Sevier County, Arkansas. Maybe you are looking for fun options for summer or a quiet place to spend a weekend…. we can offer both!!

Sevier County, Arkansas - where creeks and culture unite - is a great place to visit for outdoor adventures and quiet landscapes. The food is rich with mexican heritage but includes home cooking and a great cup of coffee. Come and visit. Camp, hike, dine, shop and stay a while!
  1. Cossatot Reefs at Gillham Lake – this is our favorite spot to go. Whether it’s just Little Man and I or all of our family, we love to venture out to this spot. We specifically love the picnic tables down by the reefs where you can hear the water roll over the rocks and take advantage of the tree canopy. Its a peaceful spot for walking or just sitting and listening. Its surrounded by camping spots too. And, this area has event space and volleyball courts.
  2. Stillwell’s Restaurant | Downtown De Queen – coffee, wifi, cake, pie, lunch meetings – This was the first place I fell in love with in De Queen. I listed all my reasons already, but I appreciate the consistency of being able to depend on this place whether I come and work all day or just want to get a great cup of tea or treat for myself. If only they stayed open later!
  3. Jim’s Boot Repair in Lockesburg – this is a new discovery for me, but its where I send everyone! I love the Sherrif’s Wife jewelry they sell and that you can get custom leather work. I recently ordered a custom bracelet and my dad a belt for Father’s Day. And, they have the best plants. We just got all our hanging baskets and ferns to get our porch summer ready. It was fun to find a plant in a hanging basket that we had recently seen on vacation in the Caribbean. Makes me think I’m on vacation every day (bahahahah!)
  4. Ranch House Cafe | De Queen – these are my people. We have finally gone enough that we don’t get funny looks when we walk in the door. We know now that you walk in and just find your spot. The menu is like a local diner, but they have a few special things. They serve breakfast all day. When I was pregnant, we at there once a week because I could get pancakes and vegetables all at the same place. And, they have homemade desserts. I love the pie, but they have fried pies, cakes, and other things only your grandma makes. It’s just so good!
  5. Sevier County Historical Museum | De Queen – this gem is full of so many cool things. Every time I go, I find more and cooler things. It has so many photographs dating back to the beginning of this county and region being founded. It mentions and honors notable residents who went on to do big things. Its shelves are lined with items that tell stories of days gone by. It is a treasure trove and a good stop to remind us of our Trail of Tears, railroad, dinosaur, educational, and medical backgrounds. I get excited any time I run across one of these small-town museums, but they have really done a great job with this one and the displays share so much.
  6. Handi Mart lunch | De Queen – tacos, burgers, just a quick drink from the coolers – its a regular gas station, but the food is made by local cooks and really, its worth the drive over. I recently had something delivered around lunchtime. I asked the guys if they needed a lunch recommendation and since it was Tuesday, I offered the tacos at Handi Mart as the best option.
  7. Taco Truck near the post office – but really any taco truck in downtown is awesome. I’m still trying them all and I’ve recently been told about the burrito at Maria’s, so its next on my list to try. Oh and al pastor tacos are 10 for $10 on Thursdays…that’s really hard to beat.
  8. Kari’s Tortas | De Queen – my favorite thing is actually the soppressata tacos or the beef quesadillas. The first time I ordered a quesadilla, I could feel the people at the table laugh at us with their “silly gringo” tone and I kinda took offense. Until I saw it come out and realized it was big enough to share with the whole restaurant. And then on Friday and Saturday, they serve Mexican street corn and there is a reason people come in all evening just for that. It is so good!
  9. Riverside Cabin | Gillham – this is where my Dallas family stays when they come to see us. The owners are awesome and have become friends just in the few times they have come to visit. They care for the land and consider it a privilege to get to own this piece of property and host guests. The view from the dining room and porch are so peaceful as you look out over the Cossatot River and they have a few marked trails for you to explore around the cabin. Its a great place to enjoy the quiet and peacefulness that make Sevier County a unique and special place.

Some of the other things we love and share with others include:

  • De Queen Lake – camping is just not my things – this post is not about those reasons, but we still love to go out to our local lake and picnic, walk the trails, play on the playground and just drive around. One really cool thing is the IMBA designed bike trails that are coming to the Pine Ridge area! Sometimes on Sundays, Little Man falls asleep on the way home from church so we end up getting lunch to go from a local restaurant and
  • Pond Creek National Wildlife Refuge – it’s pretty cool that we have these protected wetlands right in our back yard. For hunters, its FREE to hunt as long as you register and are licensed. Also, it’s great for bird watching year round. It’s nice to just drive through and see the different tree areas and the ecosystems that form from that. But, we always see deer and other creatures while we are out there. While I’ve not done any hiking, I hear its an option as well as rustic camping if that’s your thing.
  • La Media Luna – this was one of the first places we ate out when we were here because they were super close to our house. But, now they have expanded. We love their service, we love their food, we love that they love Jesus and its always a great experience for us!
  • TJ’s Gas Station – it took me a while to find out about this one, but they have such a good lunch. Each day, they have a hot lunch plate. On Wednesdays, they have a trio salad plate that is like something you would get at any tea room. They also have frozen yogurt. I always forget about this, which is probably be good because I live way too close. But it really makes a fun summer treat.

I still have so much exploring and investigating to do. One big project I want to start this next year is finding out what we can do about getting a roadside dinosaur. In 2017, the Arkansas Governor named the Arkansaurus Fridai the official dinosaur of the State of Arkansas. Bones from this dinosaur were discovered in Lockesburg in the 1970s. So, we are home to the official dinosaur of the state of Arkansas. That’s a pretty cool thing.

This summer a group is hosting a 3-week dig in De Queen. It is an official archeological dig and excavation. They are hoping to discover more dinosaur bones, but no doubt, many other things will be discovered as well. The dig will be open to the public and amateur to experienced are invited to participate.

4 Tourism Tips to share about your local community | There are so many things to do in the community and county where you live. Explore and share your experiences with others. #tourism #travel #staycation #localtravel

If you give it a chance, this really is a great place to live, work, and play. We recently shared our new community slogan and tourism marketing brand. It was such an exciting day that our team has been working on. You can watch the Sevier County Slogan Contest reveal on the Ed88 Facebook page (scroll to 4:00 for the program to begin).

Oh, and since its National Travel and Tourism week, I shared earlier 4 Tourism Tips to Support your Local Community. What do you love about where you live? What do others need to come and explore?