While I’m still fully convinced that I’m a city girl, I just cant help myself when it come to wide open fields with barns and cows in them. These pictures just don’t do justice to the fields I saw Monday on my travels through East Texas. I went down some roads this week that I’ve not been on in at least 3 years. And, they seemed more alive than I had ever seen them. So, apparently April is wildflower (or at least the wildflowers I like!) month in East Texas.
Does anyone know the name of this amazing yellow happiness that covers these fields?
**By the way, I always love the odd looks of people who pass me when I’m taking these pictures. It is definitely a moment from Sweet Home Alabama, city come to the country. I can only imagine that they are wondering why I’m taking a picture of their old, broken down barn and their cows. I’m obsessed, I don’t know what to tell you! There is a reason people come here when they retire!**
Red barn
Do you want me to smile
Buried to their knees (wait, do cows have knees?)
Yellow Happiness (field bug included)
This just makes me want to bust out in a “Texas” Song
For all you Arknsans who’ve never seen an Indian Paintbrush…
I mean really what do you people learn about in Botany here?