We have officially hit that time of year where throats are scratchy and everyone is hacking at the store and I’ve ordered my first Starbucks Medicine Ball. And, Starbucks is not super convenient to any of my daily routes so I decided it was time to figure out a Make at Home Medicine Ball beverage. And, you know what – now it’s mommy’s afternoon power through drink.
Some people like an afternoon cup of coffee, or save their naptime/worktime for a special mommy beverage at their desk. For me, it’s time to help boost my immunity and get all kinds of medicinal things in me with a warm yummy beverage that just makes me feel warm and cozy.

I will admit this drink tastes pretty good cold, or room temp because I’m the worst at drinking a hot beverage when it’s hot. But, a warm, toasty, made-at-home Medicine Ball is the perfect afternoon pick me up and boost to get you through the rest of the day. I often make it in a to-go coffee cup because they are taller than my coffee cups so it’s also perfect to make in the morning or for the afternoon carpool line.
Make at Home Medicine Ball
- 1 herbal mint tea bag
- 1 herbal peach tea bag
- 1 packet True Lemon Lemonade dry mix
- 1 teaspoon honey a 3 sec pinch
- 1 1/2 cups hot water
- 8 drops Thieves essential oil optional
- 1 packet Emergence elderberry Immunity boost optional
- Pour powdered drink mixes and honey in bottom of cup.
- Add both tea bags to cup and hold tag on edge of cup when pouring in water.
- Place a coffee or thermos cup under Keurig and add hot water. If not using a Keurig machine, boil water and pour into cup.
- Stir to make sure powder dissolved and to steep tea bags.
- Drink as the temperature cools off.
This really is such a good bolt to me feeling better during these tough winter months and it’s a nice hot beverage while I work in the afternoons without consuming more caffeine. Have you had a medicine ball? Do you make any adjustments this time of year to boost your immunity routine?

If you need some other cozy recipes, check out my go-to Crockpot dinners
- Crockpot Freezer Meals
- Crockpot Turkey Tacos
- Crockpot Apple Butter
- Skinny Lasagna Soup
- Crockpot Sausage Tortellini Soup
- Slow Cooker Pumpkin Chili
- Green Chile Chicken Chili
- KMac’s Crockpot Gumbo
- Mexican Chicken and Roasted Tomato Soup
- Mama Sue’s Kitchen Cabinet Gumbo
- Stockpile Stew (7 Can Soup)
- Slow Cooker Mock Gumbo (WW friendly)
- Slow Cooker Venison Stroganoff
- Slow Cooker Venison Swiss Steak
- Rustic Italian Chicken Stew
- Green Chile Chicken Chili
- Slow Cooker Beef Stew