If you missed this episode of Oprah yesterday..you missed a treat. I sat and just cried (you know the big kind that you can’t stop from happening, that just hang in the outside corner of your eye). It was so good. Here’s a video of the sweet surprise!

And, as I sat crying at the Oprah Show, I thought, why? Why do I cry watching TV shows. It just happens, always when I watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, usually when I watch a Hallmark movie, sometimes during a “give away moments”, “surprises”, Lifetime Movies, Grey’s Anatomy, or Friday Night Lights.

Then, it hit me… I really thought about this long and hard last night…I’m moved by humanity. It moves me when “haves” (and I don’t just mean the wealthy) reach out to “have-nots”. When people stop their busy lives and focus on someone else. When people sacrifice their time to honor another. When people are stuck in a rut and have a breakthrough and, moments like yesterday when a family member is honoring the life of another and people recognize the efforts and do what they can to help out.

Maybe it’s my new job, but I’m always impressed by companies that step up with these challenges and help push them over the brink.

For example, CVS Cares has done some great partnering with Extreme Makeover. Yesterday, Paula Deen and Lowe’s made some breakthroughs for a family trying to make a difference in the lives of the organizations that helped their son in the final days of his life. I have so much respect for moms who choose to use an opportunity like a birthday or holiday to have gifts or donations made in their child’s honor to charities instead of brining more toys.

They don’t have to do that, none of these organizations have to, but I love that CHOOSE to. Maybe there are false motives, but I like to think and for a moment, we get it! We understand it’s not about getting, but giving. That the world does not revolve around us. That needs are EVERYWHERE. That we can do small things and make a big difference. That poverty, misfortune, hurt, pain, heartache, and loss are all in our neighborhood and it’s our responsibility to do what we can.

I’m also reading Same Kind of Different as Me right now, getting ready for the Bloom book club and it is transforming my thoughts. Which may not be good, because it makes me want to do more! But, it is so good and I just found out they have come out with a second book, and I can’t wait to read it, too.

Anyway, those were the thoughts on my heart today. Enjoy your day and make a difference this weekend!

**And, so you dont think I’m totally leaving out a huge need right now, I do recognize all the things going on in Haiti, I’ve just not decided yet what I want to do, but I do encourage you to do something.  Red Cross and  Compassion International are two places collecting donations.,Their needs are big and I love that all the blogs I follow and all over twitter and facebook, people are doing something.**
