I don’t know about you, but we could all use some ideas for stocking stuffers, so I’m begging…well, asking nicely for you to share your stocking stuffer ideas.


I LOVE stockings.  We have cut a lot out of our gift exchanging, but we still always do stockings.  Actually, the 4 of us get a stocking for each other.  I will admit that stockings over anything else is the one thing I completely gather things for all year long.  I’ll find little treasures on a clearance rack or dollar bin and know they would make the perfect stocking stuffers for the little elves in my family.

A couple years ago, mom started doing our stockings as free things she get throughout the year.  Whether its cashing in those VS free gift things from the mail, using the free item from Bath and Body works or other things she gets in the mail.  I usually pick things up at random stores which sometimes means that things come from different cities or states.  Its always fun to get everything out in December and see what I’ve collected.  Its definitely interesting to see how different the stocking my mom gives is from the items in my dad’s gifts, and then my sister.  

When I say we are big on this, I mean we work the night before and hid them so we cant find them until its time to bring them out.

-Dollar Stores make a good place to collect things
-I follow a lot of blogs for free things in the mail and that’s one place that I collect things for stockings
-when back to school comes around there are lots of random things given out, that’s a time I stock up on stuffers-like post-it notes, highlighters, fun paper clips, and fancy pens
-I’ll sometimes find random spices or a cooking utensils – especially at Bed Bath and Beyond by the register – pull up that 20% off coupon if you aren’t already using it
-since we are all crafters and sewers, the $1 bin at Michael’s and Joann’s is a good place to look or all the random stuff in the yellow clearance section at Hobby Lobby
-I’ll admit that dad is way harder to buy for and I would love some suggestions for guys. 
-sometimes band aids and Advil come in handy off that FSA end of year usage!
-sometimes is something as simple as finding a favorite specialty root beer or those little peanut butter bars at the specialty candy store in the mall
-soaps from local boutiques or Francesca’s random items around the register.

More often than not, stockings provide a fun place for lots of random things. But, in our family we know that they are intentional and we really make sure they are things that are useable.  We set some parameters a couple years ago.  We cut out all the random candy since we already have so many sweets laying around and we try to not make it a sock full of random stuff that we want to throw away or add to the white elephant closet.  Most of the time, we are right on target.

I think the ole chap stick, lotion, candy bar thing is out there.  We all get that, but what do you do that really sets your stockings apart? Do you actually use a stocking? Is it under the tree from Santa or do you get them at a certain time of the day?  Is there something that is always in your stocking?  Share, we can always get some new ideas!
