Cowboy Ranch Chex Mix | @bigpittstop | The perfect gifting snack for the holidays or munchy to have at your next party! (even makes a great TY for a Cowboy party)Call it nesting or the holiday season, but I just couldn’t let Christmas come without making some of favorite treats. My husband oversees a big processing plant and I think its so fun to love on his people any chance we get.  But, when you have to make a treat for 30+ and most of it are men, you have to think on a big scale. And that crew has come to be open to my experimenting.

Growing up my mom always made what we just called Texas Trash. It was basically the Chex Mix recipe with a little something added. But, my mama taught me the art of experimenting so I usually read about 4 recipes and then decide what the @bigpittstop way is going to be.

This year i decided to go a little more spicy and on the same afternoon that I was making my chex mix, Mr. McKinney decided to marinate some steaks…and used all my Worcestershire sauce.  So, I had to improvise. I had 2 bottles of balsamic vinegar on my counter so it seemed like the likely suspect and it turned out great.

It always seems like you want a little something to give those random people you just need to say thank you or Merry Christmas too and this chex mix makes the perfect gift – just ask my neighbors, the UPS man, the Terminex guy, the nurses at the OB clinic, and the people who invite us over for dinner.

oh and a word of warning, if you cook like me, the dog will probably be at your feet ready for any pieces that drop!

Cowboy Ranch Chex Mix | @bigpittstop | the perfect gift or treat for those people you jsut need to give something too!

Oh, and Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad – my real inspiration behind making fun things to take care of my man and his people. Mom’s being doing it for 39 years!!