well, I made it through chemo weekend 2. I will admit today has been hard. My best friend Heather left this afternoon. I made the mistake of watching the “I do’s and I don’ts” marathon on Lifetime. That just made me lonely. I’ve gotten where I like being around people, but I feel bad because I just want to lay on the couch or in the bed. Oh well. That just comes with the territory. This afternoon at the peak of my loneliness, my phone rang out of the blue and it was one of my friends calling to check on me. I thought he had my apartment bugged. I was sitting here thinking man I wish there was someone here and literally within seconds he called. He will never know how much that meant.

This has been an internally emotional weekend. I jumped through some big mental hurdles and I’m glad to have gotten through them. Everyday is a new set of emotions and a chance to handle them in the most appropriate way. I ask for God’s strength and He has been so gracious.

I finally got some Spaghetti. Heather made it last night and it was so good. Better than I expected it could be. I even had leftovers today for lunch. Between the bar-b-que for lunch on Friday, Goulash for dinner on Friday, and Spaghetti yesterday and today, I’ve had my Citric Acid intake for a month. Oh well. Now, I’m enjoying a Frosty from Wendy’s. I figured I might as well give into my cravings while I actually want something to eat.

It is still so surreal that this journey has been laid in front of me. I think back to March 25 and the innocent drive I made with two of co-workers to Southhaven, MS and now 5 weeks later those two along with the rest of my staff are standing in the gap for the days I’m too tired to be at work. God truly has a sense of humor. Not that allowing me this process reveals it, but I will assure you that He has surrounded me by the right people at the right time. How people live life without believing in Him is crazy to me. I’ve always had a very simple type of faith. It is hard for me to think that people could not see “coincidence” as an actual plan. He is in control, there is no doubt about that!