You know you are in trouble when you sign in to your google reader and it says you have “more than 200” unread items.  Ok, I’ll give it to you, that’s manageable, then you keep scrolling and it goes to problem, then 420, then “more than 500” and now 540.  Yikes.  I wonder if it will ever end?  So, I might have been overzealous with my added subscriptions.  But, I found stuff that I want to find again! 

It probably didnt help that I was reminded today about how I need to make my life count by listening to this…its a good thing I dont live closer to Nashville, or I might have to cheat on my church.  Yes, I listen to sermons sometime as background noise while I’m doing office work.  Yes, I turn it off when I’m making phone calls, but I soak up some good wisdom while I’m writing notes!

I did think of a really inspirational post this weekend, but I didnt write it down.  I had one of those “big girl weekends”:

  • I purged my kitchen of old snack foods…and, I got very mad at myself.  There are starving people in my community and I had to toss out a FULL trashbag of food, some of which went out in 2008.  I also got mad at the “stock-pile” I’ve created.  I know its a smart to buy when things are on sale and you have a coupon, but is also wasteful to buy just because its on sale and you have a coupon (someday, i’m going to do a post on my little obsession with couponing…hey, a single girl has to have something to do in a small town on weekend nights).  I’m really trying to be diligent to use the things I have (which is way too much).  I’m having a difficult time with Excess. 
  • I washed the new sheets I got for my guest bed and I re-made the whole bed so that its pretty.  I’m sure my dad won’t appreciate it as much as I do when he comes next week, but I know he will notice, and thats all that matters.
  • I put away all my christmas stuff from last week when I got home and I’ve washed and put away all the laundry from being gone. The smell of clean laundry makes my heart patter.
  • My house is clean (thanks to the tazmanian devil that I turned into before I left for 3 weeks) and when I walked down the hall this morning before I left, I took a deep sigh in the fact that there was nothing in my way.  It really is the simple pleasures in life.
  • Oh, and I candied almonds 30 minutes before I went to small group to put on my spinach salad lthat I took last night.  Seriously, those were amazing.

I’m sure I’ll gain motivation in a coming weekend to clean out my office area and do some organizing I want to do in my basement, but until then, I’m going to stay curled up under a blanket and watch TV (and yes, most of my DVR did get cleaned out this weekend). 
