well, I don’t really have much to write about…

I could tell you about how I didn’t really take very many pics at Relay for Life so when I just uploaded them to my computer so I could post them on here, I didn’t really have any…so I cant…but I won’t mention that… (maybe someone has some good ones I can steal from facebook!)

or, how my computer at work has a virus and its been at the hospital since last Tuesday and the doctor wont release it because the virus is still working its way around campus and it is still very susceptible until that is fixed and I cant get any work done…but I’ll leave that out..

or, that I planted some marigolds in the pots on my porch right before the Saturday evening STORM…

or, that the aforementioned storm might have had a lightening bolt in it, that might have struck the tree by my house, that might have burst a pipe that ran for 12 hours, that might have flooded my basement and, might have thrown a switch to my AC and knocked it out, that there might have been a bulldozer in my front yard when I got home from church yesterday…but since they fixed my water and the amazing maintenance guys at Ouachita fixed my AC today, I’ll leave that out….

or, that my Google Reader just says “(1000+)” in the “bolded unread area”…and that overwhelms me in ways that you don’t even know…so there will be some “marked all unread” before I leave.

But since I don’t have anything to talk about, I’ll leave you with these

thankfully a little kid showed up right before they said go, so I didnt actually have to make 10 spins and then try to run to the other end of the court…its a sight, after “the big spill” last year, I fully decided that anything involving standing on your head and spinning is not for me…I’m so over roller coasters.
I hope he will still be my friend for posting this…it was a game…he is such a good sport…actually what I really wish I had were pics of the guys who played the “Look Good Feel Better” game that involved cosmetic kits…I’m on a hunt…but the OBU guys were not eligible, so nothing to incriminate
All my amazing friends who are so good to support and participate in Relay for Life…one of the good things about having it inside was internet (like Pioneer Woman, blogger, and baseball)…it was a lot easier to stay awake all night this year!
You can’t take those two anywhere..
If you’ve never been to a Relay event, one of the special things they do is a luminary celebration.  All the lights go out and we do a full walk in complete silence to remember and honor those affected by cancer
On Saturday, mom and I worked in my yard.  I had been wanting to plant some flowers.  I have no green thumb and I always forget to water my plants, but we will see.  I planted flowers in this bed and herbs in my pots on the porch.  Who knows if anything will actually come up…but it was a fun little activity!
she really enjoyed barking at the cars gowing up and down the road more than anything
I dont really do dirt, so this was pushing it!
But, I got new pretty pots and that helped inspire me…