So, I’m playing catch up on my google reader and found this posted by one that I follow and well, I just had to share (if its redundant for you…because you follow him too, then skip it, but scoll to the bottom)
Vancouver’s about redemption…

That’s what the announcer said, Lord. I heard it. I hope it is. I pray it is.

We move so quickly from tragedy to ceremony, as the show must go on. The native peoples just welcomed the world with raised, open arms. Earlier today the twenty-something luger left earth for heaven. Did your angels welcome him with raised, open arms? I know he is sad to have missed the games. He was so close. So very close. The black ribbon on the Georgian flag is quickly swallowed in the sea of color. O, Nodar.

The sixteen year old jazz phenom sings O, Canada. A month ago now the world cried O, Haiti. We move so very quickly, don’t we, Lord? 900 latrines have been built for the homeless and displaced in Haiti. What happened to all the homeless in downtown Vancouver? I saw them there not two years ago. O, Canada.

Lionel and Quincy assembled the voices for We Are The World one-more-time. Bob Costas just used the phrase speaking in tongues. And here come the United States in Ralph Lauren’s red-white-and-blue dream come true. Shaun White’s hair is longer than mine. O, America.

Still the natives dance.

And Donald speaks. And Sarah sings about ordinary miracles today in a ceremony of $30 million worth of illusion. And fiddlers fiddle. And blessed Joni sings. O, Joni.

Then comes the poet – and some say what defines us/is something as simple as please and thank you/and as for you’re welcome/well we say that too…

O, me! O, life! O, Lord, in these sixteen days of snowy metaphor, please let Vancouver be redemption, for as k.d. sings in white we are broken hallelujahs.

We’ll say thank you. O, my…

Please tell you saw the “We are the World” special  and that you saw Shane Koyczan give his poetic address to the world-that was amazing!  I feel like he pulled together words that will forever describe a generation. 

The opening ceremonies were awesome…I love symbolism and I love the statements that are made…a world of mixed cultures, languages, food preferences, facial bone structures, rules, regulations, political views, musical preferences, historical backgrounds and designer brands…I love it when they can all come together…grieve, celebrate, loose, win, rejoice, cry, they were all one people carried by only two different languages…but yet, the games carried on, they moved forward, and everyone there celebrates the sport…the games, the successes, the failures, overcoming mishaps…the world in one place together…I cant help but think its a little like what heaven will be like.

We had Christian Focus Week last week on campus and a part of it was devoted to exploring the topic of multi-ethnic churches and the very intent purposes that some pastors are making to create “mosaic” church bodies.  I love it.  Rodney Woo, a pastor in the Houston area was the pastor and at the beginning of the week made this statement in a video that was showed

“I’m just getting people ready for what heaven will be like…I think there are some people that are going to get up there and have culture shock when they realize that not everyone looks like them!” 

I cant get it out of my head, I love it!  Somehow I can help but think that Whistler is a closer glimpse of that right now.