Is it weird to say I’m getting really annoyed at throwing things away?
Yes, I’m cleaning out too (and donating), but I’m getting annoyed that all my trash just goes into the trash can.  It was probably one of the first points of contention in our home after we got home from the honeymoon.
I knew Chris was not a recycler.  But, it was different before we got married; he had his rules at his house and I had my rules at my house. I could recycle at mine and they could do whatever they wanted in boy land on Buckhead.  But now that our home is the same home, I want to recycle. (yes, I realize the silliness that this sounds like a temper tantrum)
Lucky for him, the full dilemma does not fall on his shoulders; my new town does not provide the ease of recycling of my previous city.
Not to worry, I’ve come from the place where you have to do your own diligence to get the right things to the right bins, and I’ve been known to make a Saturday trip to the city recycling bins part of my weekly routine.
But, now that I’ve done the research and really know that’s the only option, I’m kinda sad.  There are still a ton of things that I just throw away.  Not only are our trash bins beyond overflowing each week, but I’m also afraid I’m becoming a statistic.
This month, the Northwest Arkansas Bloggers are focusing on the ENVIRONMENT in their monthly #NWArkCares campaign and it gave me the perfect platform to share my rant. We seriously take out a bag of garbage every single night.  And twice on the weekends.  (smh)
Things it makes me
most sad to throw away:
  • packaging trash – with wedding presents galore and buying
    new things to set up our home, I feel like all I do is cut tags off new things and pull protective cardboard off corners. So much of that used to go in the big black bin in my garage, the recycling one.
  • walmart sacks – yes, I have one of those things that you can shove bags into to store and reuse. But after 5 weeks, it’s already full to over
    flowing…you can only keep so many plastic grocery baggies…

  • water bottles – my Chris loves to have something to drink in the car.  And, you can’t blame him.  He is way better at getting his
    daily water intake than I am, but we have water bottles all the time. And, all the other bottles – my naked juice, milk, condiments, so…many…things.
  • boxes – we’ve been pretty good about getting this to spaces where they can be crushed, but I have boxes of every size.  And, it apparently takes the biggest box in the distribution center to mail one throw pillow.  I know there are good reasons why there is so much empty air space in those boxes and I’m sure Mr. UPS and Miss FedEx are thankful!  (If you work for Amazon and are reading this, could you get me the answer…seriously it baffles my mind with every delivery)
My love and I are going to take a field trip to the “recycling center” in our community.  Word is it’s on the property of the county jail (that’s why I’m taking my hulky hero with me the first time!).  I’m curious what drop off will be like so I can get me the proper bins to haul it out there.
In the meantime, does anybody have any cool ideas for “pretty” ways to keep a recycle can beside our trash can and it not look like trash city in the kitchen?  Wondering if we can add in the extra steps to make it all happen in the garage.  Or, do you have tips for getting your hubby on board with recycling and changing habits?

This post is part of the #NWArkCares series by the Northwest Arkansas Bloggers group. To view other posts, visit the Northwest Arkansas Bloggers Pinterest Board or follow #NWArkCares through social media.