Loving this sweet friend of mine.  She is a constant encourager, lover of the everyday and teaching us all to love life and live in the moments in between.  Alison lives on the other side of the world and we can’t wait to have our Arkansas gal back on the mainland.  In the mean time, we are living vicariously through her adventure, envious of her morning coffee view and relishing in the lessons she is learning in the far off lands.  No, really, she lives an adventure…a lesson we could all learn from!

I’m learning so much from her lately and I hear her voice in my head when I look at the orange glow of leaves, wonder if I should make coffee at home or go to a local shop, and determine my next fatal weekend Bucket List…I give you, The Alison Chino!!!

  • What have you OVERCOME? Dear goodness, so many to choose from.  Depression, Really Bad Self Esteem, Other Peoples’ Expectations. Um, all of these things are works in progress still but I have moments of overcoming…
  • What was your turning point? for Depression: Calling it what it is. Saying it out loud and then being willing to give myself grace for the seasons that it knocks me off of my feet. for Really Bad Self Esteem: Listening to Brene Brown talk about how destructive shame is and choosing to believe I can live whole-heartedly.
  • 5 word life mantra – Be Grateful. Every. Single. Day.
  • Quote you live by – see above! and instead of reading a quote, please go watch the Brene Brown talk linked above, such a good 26 minutes!
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