Yesterday was a month. One month that I’ve been in my new job.  That’s really hard to believe.  You know me.  My desk is covered with post-it notes.  My cubi walls are covered with papers and lists and ideas.  But, in it all I’m finding my way. (or at least trying to!)

I spent the day in LR with our new team.  It was a long day for a down and back trip (but it started with a Pumpkin Spice Latte, so I was a happy girl!).  But, what a way to celebrate a one month anniversary. 

We celebrated the accomplishments of the team around the state, we dreamed about how this year could be better and we talked through the challenges in front of us. 

I don’t think we stop often enough in our lives to intentionally reflect.  Yesterday, we closed our eyes and dreamed.  The kind of dream that started with “What if” and ended with, “then what’s holding you back”.

Those are the questions I asked myself a month ago. 

I hope a year from now, I’m looking at these lists on my walls with “strikethroughs” all around and that they have been replaced with new dreams, bigger dreams and possibilities that I don’t even know exist today. 

DREAM BIG is a buzz word around here.  There are lots of visuals of clouds and thought bubbles but inside them are bullet points.  Blank bullet points.  Bullet points reserved for dreams and goals.

When is the last time you sat down with blank bullet points and really dreamed for yourself?  What do you want personally? Professionally? In your relationships? For your volunteer opportunities? For your kids? for your marriage? for the empty boxes in your garage? for the book you’ve been waiting to read (or write)? For the bible study you’ve been waiting to start? For the play group you’ve been wanting to host? For the recipes printed off or pinned that you’ve been thinking about trying? for the hobby you wanted to start or the classes you wanted to take?

What have you been putting off that you’ve always wanted to accomplish?

A month ago I asked myself “Why Not?”  Why not leave the most amazing friends, a stable job with an organization you love, a community that you are invested in, a church that feels like home….to go to a new place, further from home, where you really only know 1-5 people, to start a new job with a new organization?

Because I don’t live in SOMEDAYS!

I asked myself if you don’t put things off for “someday” in any part of your life…why are you holding back now?  So, I followed a dream.  A BIG dream in a lot of regards.  But, a dream with challenges and hardships and what I’m already beginning to see is full of rewards.

My heart is full.  Optimism has been restored.  I’m pursuing a passion.  And, making a difference.

A month later I find my mind wandering on a day full of rainy skies if there are big white puffy clouds on the other side.
