ok..new one

Driving in the rain makes me crazy…like I want to crawl in a fetal position and cry. And, frankly that’s the only way that I could imagine it would make me feel better. It is so scary. B/c you just have to push through it. You cant see the mustard or the mayonnaise but you have to keep moving forward. So dangerous…but more dangerous to pull over to the side of the road or try to exit. Really there is not much else that make me more anxious or uneasy. I don’t like danger or living on the edge…and when this weather change abruptly occurs while I’m on the highway where I cant drive over 40 and a big 18 wheeler is bearing down on me and throwing more water my direction, it really doesn’t make it any better.

When it is raining hard like that, I have to even turn off the radio. I don’t do well with sensory overload.

For someone who drives a lot now, I’m really have to work at getting over my road fears and paranoia.