Well, my special helper arrived yesterday.  And, he had a party with the power washer.  Wonder what my water bill will look like this month between him and leak a couple weeks ago…oh well.  I’m really glad my dad’s here.  I love it when my family comes to visit and dad just by himself is more fun.  I get to spoil him that way.  As long as you keep bringing the brownies, sweet tea and chocolate milk, you can talk him into fixing about anything!! 
He has dug a new drain ditch for my driveway and I think there was a stack of mulch in my front yard.  Who knows what’s next.
(needless to say we will be doing some laundry tonight)
When I got home, I felt like we were in a commercial for special use for tile cleaner…it did a wonder on the outside of my house…I live in a white house…not a mossy green one!
the machine of choice…
and, this little helper came to visit too…I was reminded at 4 this morning why I dont have a dog…she was done sleeping and wanted to get up and run around…and then at lunch, dad left his chair out and she made her way to the table and had his plate on the floor and spotless when we walked back in the room…she really liked the brownie!
Gotta go, there is a shovel with my name on it…this should be interesting.  I busted my keester last night in the mud and water and messed up my knee and hip…I’m sure there are more battle wounds in store!!
Thanks dad for coming to help me out….someday I’ll have a man so you dont have to do this stuff!
