So, I have promised pics of the new house..and since I had to clean it for bunko this week, you finally get the grand tour:

The entry way. I’m trying to not let these shelves become junk collectors. So far so good. You cant see it, but my dad got me a sweet painting for Christmas that hangs here as well.

My mantle that I’m obsessed with, probably close to my favorite thing about the house…it is an obsession and fun collection of things I love.

My new big girl couches!

My dining room…don’t you love the yummy yellow color on the walls. It is some lovely golden name, but a paint chip color that I matched it from is called Nacho makes me think of Honey Mustard and then I crave chicken strips…oh well.
My lovely kitchen and just as I like it…ready to serve some food!

The front bathroom…it has its own set of stories

My guest room…yes this furniture is beautiful…it was my grandmother’s

This is my “that” room. It is a guest room as well, but will function more as my
scrap booking/craft room…love it.

My room…there is nothing on the walls, but I have plans to do something with the pink flowers I saw in Hawaii.

This is what you get to have when you don’t share a house with a boy!

My little bathroom

My new shower…I love that is is white and clean!

When I finally get this cleaned up, it will be a “study”. I’m obsessed with books, so there are too many to put anywhere, but I do have this great desk in here too. I think this is an add on or converted sun room…this house has the most beautiful windows.

The “charm” of this house comes with the basement. It is always the thing new people want to see…so enjoy your journey!
An area I affectionately call “The Corral”
But, it is a great built in storage area…as you can see I’ve already filled it up.

My laundry room (Thanks to Travis and Randy, I can actualyl see down here now..and I’m not totalyl freaked out to do my laundry)

The room beside it that I am scared to go in…not really sure what’s inside.
I’ve heard that it was a dark room…who knows
And, I threw this in…it may bring back memories for some

Hope you enjoyed the tour!!!