So, wonder what’s been going on…let me bring you up to speed:

1. I’m traveling a lot and really trying to figure out how to work everything in. It takes a long time for this Type A to get ready to go somewhere and then to recover when I get back.2. Part of that recovery takes a little longer every time I go to Dallas. My mom has decided that I have reached the point in my life where its time to take “my things” out of her house. I will admit fully that I’m a pack rat, very sentimental and really struggle with getting rid of things. All those things combined and working against me, this has been a war. Really, I have to make a decision about whether I’m going to want these things 30 years from now. And further more many of the things I “want” are for her grand kids…so, doesn’t it seem right that she just keep them? I mean really. I’m storing things to keep for my kids that do not even exist and since they have to have a dad before they can come in to this world…their chances are looking slim to none right now. I had a hard time trying to book a flight today for a trip in March…I cant even begin to know whether I want my could be little girl to ever wear the red dress my grandmother made for me when I was 5. Just keep it! And, Ill decide later. Or get rid of it and I’ll wish I had it 20 years from now. Either way, someone is going to be disappointed. So what’s the best decision right now?3. I’m on a Simplify kick right now anyway. A month ago, I cleaned out every room in my house and all the junk I was storing in the basement. I really got convicted about all the “extra” stuff I was living with. It hasn’t kept me from buying new stuff, but it really does make me think twice. I mean really, I’m a single girl and I cant fit anything else in my pantry cabinets. I have enough food in there to feed a football team twice. I’ve really had to cut back on my coupon game. And, remind myself to make foods that incorporate the things I already have at my house. Think about it. People on the other side of the world live in houses made of cardboard, trash, and rubber tires. I go to my nicely decorated warm home with new candles, fluffy pillows, and two empty bedrooms and complain some days. I also think about going out to eat when I have a kitchen FULL of groceries. I really have been convicted lately and I challenge you to think about it. I cant convict you and I do not think that just because one person is convicted or challenged in an area, that we all should be. I know that people work hard for the success they have been achieved and believe me I understand that. They deserve to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But, I also believe that we live in abundance. We live outside, beyond and above our means..and for what? We still NEED and crave more of the things we already have. I could be snowed in and still be able to eat on the food in my house for 9 months and still not be starving. I have really started thinking lately how I can stretch the blessings God has given me and ACCOMPLISH something with them. Living is not accomplishing anything unless we are doing something. Think about it really. Here are some of the things I’ve been thinking about: Dave Ramsey has several points…get out of debt. I’m working on it! I paid off my car in August and I will pay off a furniture credit card next month! It really is freeing. If I don’t have money for it, I don’t buy it. And, if I buy extra, something in my monthly budget has to get sacrificed. Its is not fun, but it is liberating. I’ve also contemplated getting involved in some of these organizations- Helen Keller International, American Assistance for Cambodian Schools, Heal Africa, Global Giving. Of course two organizations that are close to my heart are the American Cancer Society and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I really think to whom much is given, much is expected and after reading and hearing the parable talents all my life, I am so scared of hearing “wicked, lazy servant” simply because I was too scared to do something, or I was being a tight wad, or I was “wanting” too much for my life that I overlooked the needs around me and in doing so “buried” my blessings in stuff I wanted.4. This weekend, I will join a group of girl friends here in Arkadelphia to honor a friend who is a recent cancer survivor. Race for the Cure. Did you know that just $150 can pay for a woman to have a mammogram that can save her life! One woman’s dream to do something in her sister’s honor has turned into 25 years of giving hope. Did you know: An estimated 192,370 new cases of invasive breast cancer will occur among women in the United States during 2009 [5]. And an estimated 40,170 women will die from breast cancer. Also, about 1,910 men will be diagnosed and 440 men will die of breast cancer during 2009 in the United States [5]. In addition to invasive breast cancer, an estimated 62,280 new cases of in situ breast cancer will occur among women in 2009 [5]. We have got to do something about this….and, if you think, not me…that’s for someone else, I bet there are hundreds of thousands of women (and men) who would tell you otherwise.5. I’ve really gotten into watching the podcast of Crosspoint pastor Pete Wilson’s sermons each week. He just finished a series called Religion Lies and it really made me think. Here are a couple quotes from the series that have been milling around in my head:

  • Religion always complicates what God has made simple.
  • In a relationship with Jesus, you are defined by the cross and shaped by grace, not by what you do.
  • Are you a whistle-happy, flag throwing Christian? Meaning, are you a judgement pointer, worried and consumed with what other people around you are doing wrong and downplaying your sin because it is not as bad as what someone else is doing?
  • Think about it

6. Last weekend, we had this little thing called Tiger Tunes on our campus. It was amazing and fun and exhausting all at the same time, but there is nothing I love more about working on a college campus than watching students brainstorm ideas, work through the process, and lead on carrying them out. It really is an honor to spectate the games! If you missed it, or are curious, check it out! Last year the Ouachita Student Foundation gave out $68,000 in scholarships which is what this show accomplishes7. Also, I’ve really debated the whole “fall blogging” process. Personally, I’m obsessed with fall. With anything pumpkin, cinnamon, jewel toned, or rustic. It doesn’t need to be said. If you saw my magazine collection right now, you would know. But, I love it. i have 3 reserve cans of pumpkin product in my (already stated) full cabinet, but I’ve heard there may be a shortage this year and I don’t want to be caught without. I love Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks, my favorite recipe is Pumpkin Dump Cake. My porch has its mum and pumpkins on it. Although I’m sad I waited until the last minute and didn’t get the fairytale pumpkins that a family here raises. I love them. they really do look like Cinderella’s carriage) But, there was just something about the fact that everyone was posting about Fall, that I couldn’t, so here it is. I’M OBSESSED WITH FALL. There is even a rumor out that Mimi’s Cafe has pumpkin spice muffins with cinnamon strudel as their seasonal muffin and I might be making several out of the way trips just to get a few!8. I’ve had a couple projects over the last couple weeks.

  • I made a wreath for my door (no picture right now, I forgot…but, it is way cute)
  • I made an arrangement, yes, it looks a little different than I wanted it to, but it was for a dual purpose…one of which was a Halloween decoration..don’t you love the feathers
  • I made my first put together quilt…it is a quilted tablecloth, but I have a new respect for every warm night I laid under a quilt made by either of my grandmothers or their mothers. There is a lot of handwork that goes into those things! I mis-measured, so I actually have two..this is the smaller one. The other is backed with a black and white damask print so I can use it for other occasions as well!

9. We recently had a shower for one of my friends Lauren who is about to welcome little Evie Clair any moment. It was really special. The guys said the idea for the shower was a little hippie, but Lauren loved it and we loved throwing it and who listens to guys opinions anyway! It was really fun, we all brought a bead that reminded us of Lauren or that was tied to a blessing, verse or poem that we shared with her at the shower. Then we had all the beads made into a bracelet. I love to see Lauren wear the bracelet and there is something so fun knowing that it was made with thoughts from her girl friends. I cant wait to hear stories about the questions the Evie Claire will have looking at it one day and knowing that it is an heirloom piece she can share with her. You know there really is something special about girlfriends and I don’t think we take enough advantage of the power of that relationship. Too many times, we as girls, put too much pressure on each other and really make it hard on ourselves. What if we peeled off the layers of judgement and instead replaced them with strength and power. Think of how many more things we could accomplish together. 10. I had Bunko at my house this week and it was so much fun. I had a blast planning the menu and getting the house all “themed” up. I love to throw a good party!

the food table

Vampire’s Blood- Tomato Basil Soup
Monster Mash- Pasta Salad with my Italian striped bowties
Witches Fingers- breadsticks
Infested Graveyard- Dirt puddingDead Man’s Eyes- Cake Balls made with carrot cake and cream cheese icing
Since 10 is a nice round number and you have read more than you should have to, I’m going to stop there. I hope you enjoy your weekend and maybe it will finally be dry for a couple days before cabin fever kicks in.
PS, sorry about all the links, I just feel like I can explain myself better that way…I’m a visual learner, what can I say!