That’s what her name means, and it was such a special day. I stayed here this weekend (I know, it was Mother’s day, but I talked to my mama 3-4 times…does that count?) I spent the day with my college roommate Brooke and her family. She and her husband Robert recently became parents of sweet Baby Eva and it was such a special day. The last time I was in Cabot was for her baby shower and it was such an emotional day. But, this service topped it. I just couldn’t quit crying.

You see, after hard years of trying to get pregnant and more than one miscarriage, Brooke and Robert had a hard decision to make. They could continue to try and do things on their own or, they could let God do His thing. Those were really hard weeks for them and their courage and testimony of God’s faithfulness is amazing. They give Him all the glory for the hard days. In November they got the call they had been waiting for and Baby Eva was on her way! The pictures and images of their first few moments together are amazing and watching them be parents (the thing they wanted to be so bad), is breathtaking.

Sunday morning was so special as Brooke spent her first Mother’s Day dedicating her sweet baby girl to God. It was an emotional service and I think I scared the kid in front of me because I couldn’t quit crying. It’s amazing what God can do when we let him work.

And, I must admit, it’s even more amazing when you participate with Him. I haven’t seen Eva in a few weeks and she is starting to look like her daddy. I am completely convinced God had this all planned!

She is precious and I had a wonderful day with the Ramsey’s and the Smith’s. Brooke is like a sister to me and I’m discovering a fun part of your 20’s is watching your girlfriends become mom’s. This really is one of life’s greatest pleasures…I think I learn more about my friends by watching them be a mom.

I know right….