So, Cinderella has been here working her magic. By that, I mean it has been so fun to have my mom here all week. She made it her mission to get everything cleaned out. I asked her yesterday if it made her feel good that I don’t have any secrets. There wasn’t a comment.

She has rearranged both my bedrooms, the closets in each one, the storage closet down stairs, the kitchen, the laundry “area”, the bathroom and pretty much every other inch of this apartment. No skeletons or cobwebs in my closets! Every present is wrapped..get ready. Every kitchen appliance that I don’t use on a regular basis now has its own place on my new shelving unit under the stairs. Everything that was in a place that I knew where it was now has a new place…I’ll find it some day when I need it. She even dusted. Now, dusting is something that has never been done at our house at home, but my picture frames and such all needed a wipe down. I’m really afraid she has been into some goofy juice!

The best story of the week though has to be what happened yesterday. If you know me, you know there is really only one hue in my rainbow…PINK and everything else is simply a shade of that color. Well, mom decided to wash the rugs in my bathroom. And, since they are the same shade (of hot pink) as the sheets on my bed, she decided to wash them together. Well they all got washed and put into the dryer. When the sheets were dry, mom took them out and shook them. Well, they had these lovely fuzz balls all over them. And, when she shook them, those fuzz balls went everywhere. Mom brought them upstairs (which means she left shrapnel all along the way) and as she put them on the bed, realized that they were a mess. So, she got my lint roller and rolled both the fitted and top sheet. Needless to say we added a lint roller to my shopping list.

Then, when she went back down stairs to check on the rugs she had restarted, she noticed the floor was wet in the kitchen and that there was and awful smell. Her first instinct was that the washing machine had backed up and leaked all over the kitchen floor. But, then she realized what it was. You see, I do not have much cabinet space in my kitchen so, the top of my washer and dryer had become a make shift pantry area. It really bothered her that I had to move things off the washer every time I did clothes, so when she added the new shelving unit to my downstairs closet, she moved many of the things off the dryer and moved the things from the washer to the dryer. One of those things was a bottle of cooking sherry and in all the shaking that the dryer does, it had vibrated off the top and splattered all over the floor. So, shards of glass were everywhere and so was this stinky liquid. She said if she didn’t know better, she would have thought she broke my stash…yeah right! So while she spent part of the day making a mess, she spent the rest of it cleaning up.

We laughed so much last night. That is just like mom and now you know where I get it from. This has been a good week. I’m headed to Dallas for some Ouachita events and will be back to get to my appointment on Monday. It will be good to finally know and have a plan!