restful weekend
Oh man, yesterday was amazing. I laid on the couch all day long. And, no I never watched anything on Lifetime. You may not believe me, but it is true. I cracked open a watermelon and ate half of it for dinner last night. Along with some chocolate pudding. I know...
slush and mush
Those are the two words that describe my diet. Last night I thought my mouth was on fire. Not the kind of hot like I ate a bite of hot soup and now my taste buds are scorched. Or, the type of hot that comes from getting a bite of the wrong jalapeno, but the burning...
weekend and NABEP
Well, the weekend went great. Lauren got first runner up in the pageant. We were so proud of her. While we were being selfish in wanting her to win with our title...we were so excited about her final place. She also won a couple other awards and that was huge. We...
radiation week one
So, week one is over. Only 15 more radiation sessions (I hope). Everything went well. I can say right now the only real thing I'm feeling is tired. It has been hard to give into that. I've not had any of the normal symptoms through this whole things, so I wasn't...