Decorations – do you use the same ones every
year, do you change them. Are you a traditionalist and use regular colors do
you prefer modern décor? Do you like
homemade decorations? Do you do the same
thing every year? Fancy, whimsical, homemade,
Christmas tree decorate and traditions
surrounding it? When does it go up? Who decorates it? What’s the atmosphere?
How many do you put up? What rooms? Are there themes?

I posted this phrase alongside this picture, “Hell hath frozen over”. I wasn’t intending to offend anyone, but really it was the only description I could present. I really struggle putting up a tree every year. It seems so much work for just one person to enjoy since I just insist that a tree not go up before Thanksgiving and I always want to take it down before my Texas Christmas.
But, this weekend I was working in my garage to find my wrappings and ribbons and decided when I moved the tree box and the 2 tubs of decorations that it seemed kinda silly to exert all that effort and not decorate. So, I pushed myself to do something. And, I must admit that I’m glad I did! It felt like Christmas while I was watching TV on Sunday night to the glow of candles and little white lights.
I consider myself a traditionalist when it comes to decorating a tree. I prefer white lights and some red and gold decorations. When I opened the tubs, I realized that I was beginning to form a collection. Every year when my mom packs up her decorations, she pulls a few she wants to get rid of and she lets us go through them and see if there are any we want to save. I’ve also collected a few antique Christmas balls that I store. The voice inside says I need to let them go, but I just love them and I love that they have stories that go with them. But, I will always hold on to a few select ornaments from my childhood. I’ll talk more about those on day 20!
Each year my contribution to my mom’s decorations is putting up her Christmas tree on the day after Thanksgiving. I will admit, I’m kinda high maintenance when it comes to putting up the tree I love putting all the decor on, but I don’t love putting the tree together. Mom is always patient with me and tolerates my attitudes! It does help that she takes it down after we all leave so I don’t have to worry about that part of the process (I’m sure she wants to curse me when it comes to taking the lights off!)
My mom’s tree is kinda notorious. She has a different theme every year. Yes, you read that right. She is super creative and works all year long to collect items and the perfect things that will match her theme. Sometimes the theme reflects something that happened during the year like when I graduated from Ouachita it was all purple or my sister graduated from DBU it was “patriotic” or when my mom turned 50, it was all 50s theme complete with a diner menu and juke box!
This year our theme is Patchwork. The garland is burlap ribbon with buttons on it. The ornaments are a collection of crocheted balls, patchwork pieces, wooden thread spools and glittery yarn balls. I get my creative side from my mom so its a nice homage to our love of sewing and my grandmothers. The trees skirts (yes, there is more than one tree) are both quilts from each side of my family. One is made from scraps that my grandmother left and the other is a lovely polyester quilt top that my dad’s aunt made. I can only imagine the pant suits they were salvaged from!
None the less, I see mom’s determination and creativity as an offering of love. She knows how fascinating the decorations are to my dad and that the trees and garland offer a perfect backdrop to all our Christmas memories. Her themes are legendary and many anticipate seeing what she comes up with. But, I love a Christmas tree because it becomes the place around which all our gathering moments are created. Whether its our puppy sitting under it looking out the window or taking the annual photo that I talked about yesterday or providing the glow in the family room while we sip hot chocolate and laugh and giggle.
Its mom’s offering of love. And I know there, that I am blessed!
Happy Advent,