Sometimes beautiful moments in life happen.  Really beautiful moments when you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

After a weekend of having my heart exposed all I wanted to do last night was lick my wounds.  And while being around people and doing something social is my usual go-to last night I pushed myself to my comfort zone and I’m ever so grateful. 

a penny for your thoughts | Bentonville Sessions in #NWArk bring hope and a big blessing #bigpittstop

Sweet Jenny Marrs offered an opportunity for the NWA Bloggers gals to join her and her gigantic family of amazing, friends, and supporters to join her at the Bentonville Sessions.  This monthly gathering exposes, well Bentonville peeps, to local musicians.  Its the perfect NWA thing to do.  Because in the midst of gathering in beautiful places and hearing talented musicians, lives are restored and hearts are mended and I’m not just talking about the bellies that Feed Their Tummies is able to feed through these events.

I always love spending time with these ladies.  I love how they get me.  I love how I can walk up all unassuming and know the empty chair at their table has my name on it.  I know we always have a topic to discuss.  I love that there is not judgment.  I love that we are connected even if its been months since we’ve seen each other.  It was a beautiful reminder that I do have community.  That I do have people and that even though I wanted to walk in and revel in anonymity…what I really needed most was to be loved.

a penny for your thoughts | Bentonville Sessions in #NWArk bring hope and a big blessing #bigpittstopSo, we did what we do, we sat and we chatted.  We laughed. We challenged. We brainstormed.  We forged new connections and we just were. And, we all sat with our phones out and no one judged or thought the other was rude!

The whole point of the gathering was to hear Penny and Sparrow (yes, I realize in all my social media posts I said “marrow” instead…maybe its because I felt the effects of their music in my bones).  They were here as a stop on their tour and they did not disappoint.  I had never heard their music, but my soul was satisfied.  We were in the great hall at the 21C hotel in Bentonville.  Surrounded by beauty with melodies ricocheting off the metal remnants of a beautiful windstorm.  It is one of my favorite places in NWA.

Somewhere about halfway through the night, I looked over to my left and saw this.

a penny for your thoughts | Bentonville Sessions in #NWArk bring hope and a big blessing #bigpittstopa penny for your thoughts | Bentonville Sessions in #NWArk bring hope and a big blessing #bigpittstop

These 2 beautiful ebony maidens.  Their eyes danced in the candlelight.  And their heads were turned upwards.  Most nobly unplanned, they were facing the stage; as if almost basking in the beauty of the evening.  An evening for them. 

An evening that would feed their tummies; 3 times a day, everyday.

An evening that was filling our hearts.  Song by song.  Banter and binging. 

It was beautiful.

a penny for your thoughts | Bentonville Sessions in #NWArk bring hope and a big blessing #bigpittstop