well, its time to let you know.

2 weeks ago, I took my last steps out the door of Cone Bottoms Hall on the campus of Ouachita Baptist University for the last time as an employee (well, at least for now!) after 12 years.

I really cant describe that day or the feelings – that will have to be a post for another day.

But, I was overwhelmed by love and extension of friendships.  I have for sure learned a new stage of life that people need amazing support through.  I have awesome friends who came and helped me process through some of the hardest days I’ve faced and packed and loaded my overstocked house into 26 feet on wheels.

It was a very overwhelming feeling to realize that my whole life, all my possessions were crammed into one 26ft truck (almost didn’t happen, but we got them in there).  I was overwhelmed realizing that I had that much stuff, but also to realize that if that’s all life was, it was very sad to feel summed up to a 26ft box. 
But, we made the drive up “the hill” and I am now a resident in Northwest Arkansas.
Last Monday, I started a new professional journey with the American Cancer Society.  It’s no secret that this organization is so special to me.  For obvious reasons, I’m grateful for their amazing work.  But, my love of ACS stems more from the “voice” they gave me as I began to emotionally heal after remission.  The last 4 years getting to know the staff and volunteers around our state and division have made me want to work and partner with them. 
I think this is the official start of the 3rd chapter of BIGPITTSTOP. 

I started this journey to share my story.  Following my remission, it became a oasis for healing; a cyber community that in most ways was a one-way gateway to just journaling my thoughts.  And now, I begin my new chapter – working for ACS and beginning several life changes; singleness in a big city, making new friends, and “finding” my professional way.

Here’s to my 30s being as adventurous as the days I have known before.
