I was listening to a sermon today online about Faith and the passage used was Matthew 26: 17-30. Here are the 3 points the pastor made as he finished the sermon:

May we be a people who-

  • In fear, have faith
  • When tempted to control, let go
  • When lured by comfort, choose sacrifice

Then in his closing prayer, he reversed them as plea to God, and I think I almost like the reverse better. It’s kind a the same, but different
God help us be a people who-

  • have faith in fear
  • let go when we want to control
  • choose sacrifice over comfort

I received an email yesterday that reminded me that a palindrome is a word that reads the same forwards and backwards (mom, dad, sis, etc). But, this video did the opposite, when read backwards, it conveys the opposite message. May this message define my generation!


And by the way. Matthew 26:30 says this: “Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.” Do you ever wonder what hymn they sang? I am at least smart enough to realize that it was not one of the ones we sing…it probably was not even out of the Baptist Hymnal (gasp)…but I am curious what the words were…. Any thoughts?