This was one of those weekends where you know you have a lot on your calendar, but you knows it’s all going to be so much fun!!!

For starters, Elvis was alive and back in action!

Yes, if it seems like that man strangely resembles my dad, well, then you have not gone completely crazy.  We had a women’s event at church and dad was part of the entertainment.  I was loving it.  My sister on the other hand was about to crawl under the table!
Then, Saturday, we celebrated Gavin’s first birthday!  My best friend Heather is such a great mom and it has been so fun watching our friendship grow as we celebrated Gavin’s first year. Here are some pics form Saturday (be ware, he is “wearing his dad’s face”!)
After the party, we went to Hailey’s musical (her sister).  Heather and I finally realized that we hadn’t taken a pic together all day, so here we are in the hall of good ole’ IHS….a.k.a. “The Crooked I”
Such a great weekend!!!!
Tonight, its Burgers and the Bachelor with my sis!  I’m so excited and my dad will just have to go watch TV in the other room…but he secretly likes girl shows, so we may be able to pull him in.
