The doctor’s visit on Friday went fine. It was probably the smoothest lab work time I’ve ever had. Nothing hurt like last time and we got a “return” quickly, which is not always the case.

I waited two hours to see the doctor. Yes, I was annoyed, but no, I couldnt do anything about it. So I just waited as patiently as one can when you are ready to leave! He said everything looked great and he thought I was starting to look like I did when I first came in. So, nothing new that we could “see”. I scheduled my PET scan for October 1 and that will be a fun day of doctors. Then, we will go back on October 3 for results. That will hopefully be a fun day as well.

After that, I hit the road and went to OK City. I spent the weekend with my friends Kate and Heather. It was a great weekend. I didnt have to think…that’s always nice! And, we basically planned events around meals. So, check, successful weekend. I’ll post pics later.
