well, as part of this move, the simple things have started hitting me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited about my new place, the new professional journey in front of me and settling in, but I’m starting to miss the mundane….the everyday.
I realized tonight while trying to catch up by email and on blogs – that social media is no replacement for real conversation. You know the kind that happens leaning against the threshold of an office doorway at the 10:00 coffee break, or on the sidewalks walking across “the plaza” or the best kind ever – across the table of a local restaurant or even better a family dining table.
There is a ridiculous amount of community that I left in the 71923. I miss knowing fears, frustrations, when pants fit too tight or are starting to get loose, what’s on the menu for Thursday night and what happened on the kid’s playground. I miss learning the answers to the “why moms” and the annoying things husbands did last night. i miss scrapping peas off of high chair trays while hearing about dance recitals.I miss learning the truths that are being taught in my friends homes and seeing what they have listed on their chore charts.
I had a text conversation with a friend about this last week and his answer was “nothings really changed” and while I’ liked hearing that, it was exactly what I missed.
Its not gossip that I crave, its the thoughts that make people function, that made friendships friendship. There is something crazy about “doing” life together. How we ever get through this alone, I have no idea. I’m so in search of community and finding a new “everyday”.
I want people around me that I want to talk to everyday and that I want to know what’s going on in their life. That I’m curious about how their evening went, what shows they are keeping up with and what conversations were had with their kids over the dinner table. I’m anxious to see who will begin filling those voids.
Who will make up my new everyday?
For now, its a series of odd shaped cardboard boxes, a pile of garage sale pass offs and a lovely pile of laundry.
Surely recognition is the first step toward progress.
Really well said! You are missed friend. I miss you leaning on my threshold and hearing that laugh! Lori M