I know, I know, three posts in two days, but this one I’ve been working on.

Over the last 5 days, I’ve been working on a special project. During it, I have come across some super fascinating websites. Many of which I never would have crossed had I not done this search. So, consider this my special gift to you.

Some fabulous new website finds related to etiquette and preparing for life after college (sorry no coupons this time):



14 Dinner Etiquettes for your next Business Dinner – good techniques for many things

Table Manners Ultimate Guide

The Gentleman’s Guide | Table Manners 101: Basic Dinner Etiquette

Dining Etiquette for Beginners

A Guide to Beef Cuts

http://humanresources.about.com/od/workrelationships/a/dress_code.htm -dress code


http://www.dba-oracle.com/dress_code.htm -I like how these people think, no nonsense office appropriate dress code – I cannot be held responsible for any personal feelings about this site. I just thought it was funny!



10 Books that Changed my Life – after college

And, my fav – I like the content, but I love the name even more: http://www.ramenrentresumes.com/

Some extra’s that you might find helpful:

Happy Surfing!