She and I can figure that one out, but I give you my becoming friend…Jeanetta. For Pete’s sake (whoever he is), she quoted Noam Chomsky, we will be friends quick!!
- What have you OVERCOME? “Myself”
- What was your turning point? I wouldn’t say I’m at a full 180 but I’m heading there. Not that I am completely changing me but I’m changing how I see myself and what I have to offer. I only really feel like I entered the work force about 6 years ago. I had been wife and mother since leaving college and while that is admirable I really didn’t know what I was cut out to do once everyone was in school. I’m slowly seeing what I am truly good at and how I can use that to help others achieve their goals. Recently, I made the biggest curve in my turn when I realized I was good at combining my art degree with website design. And that theater degree comes in mighty handy with marketing.
- 5 word life mantra – Whacha see, is whacha get. (I fudged a bit on making the word count work. LOL. I always was one for just skirting the rules)
- Quote you live by – “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”—Noam Chomsky.
- blog/website- www.jeanettadarley.com
- twitter- @jeanettadarley
- insta- @jeanettadarley
- Pinterest- @jeanettadarley
- other platforms – Oh I can’t wear those kind of shoes anymore. I have had
back issues in my old age 😉 – love her!
I was at OBU from 93-98. Took the 5 years path.
I love who you are becoming. You just make my heart dance every time we have a chance encounter.